You are prettier when you are strong (Eng/Esp)



To face life we must become strong people and capable of fighting in all circumstances, many times we face so many problems that sometimes we feel that we are not able to get out of them, but there is always something within us that drives us to get rid of or resolve that. that has cost us so much, and it is there where our strength and tranquility grows every day.

Para enfrentar la vida debemos convertirnos en personas fuertes y capaces de guerrear en toda circunstancias, muchas veces afrontamos tantos problemas que en ocasiones sentimos que no somos capaces de salir de ellos, pero siempre está algo dentro de nosotros que nos impulsa a sacar o resolver eso que tanto nos ha costado, y es allí donde cada día va creciendo nuestra fortaleza y tranquilidad.

Every time you feel drowned and you think you can't get out, the solution is to relax and think, make yourself pretty and seek to coldly solve everything that torments you, you will see that this way you will be safe and confident in yourself, never doubt your potential and how valuable it is. that you are, love yourself and believe in yourself, that life is only one and for this the first thing we have to learn is to be strong and secure.

Cada vez que te sientas ahogada y crees que no puedes salir, la solución es relajarte y pensar, ponerte linda y busca solucionar fríamente todo aquello que te atormenta, verás que así irás segura y confiada en ti, nunca dudes de tu potencial y lo valiosa que eres, amate y cree en ti, que la vida es una sola y para ello lo primero que tenemos que aprender es a ser fuertes y seguros.

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