(ESP/ENG) Mi primer dibujo en la blockchain | My first drawing on the blockchain



“En las cajas de lápices guardan sus sueños los niños.”

"Children keep their dreams in pencil boxes."

Ramón Gómez de la Serna

Recuerdo que cuando era niño siempre llamo mi atención el dibujo, todas las tardes iba a una tienda cerca de donde vivía, donde el joven que atendía dibujaba siempre, yo pasaba horas mirando como usaba su lápiz para recrear en una hoja de papel los personajes de Dragon Ball Z, que por cierto era mi serie favorita de la infancia.

I remember that when I was a child, drawing always caught my attention, every afternoon I would go to a shop near where I lived, where the young man who attended always drew, I would spend hours watching how he used his pencil to recreate on a sheet of paper the characters of Dragon Ball Z, which by the way was my favourite series of my childhood.

El siempre intento enseñarme, y yo encantado intentaba imitar todas sus técnicas para hacerlo lo más parecido a como lo hacía él, hoy en la tarde salí a hacer las compras con mi esposa e hija y en el supermercado, me quede mirando la parte de la papelería, mi esposa sabe que me gustaba dibujar y me dijo, porque no lo intentas nuevamente, así que decidí comprar unos crayones, lápices, borradores y sacapuntas, ah y también un bloc de dibujo, quise darme la oportunidad.

He always tried to teach me, and I was delighted to try to imitate all his techniques to do it as close as possible to how he did it, today in the afternoon I went out shopping with my wife and daughter and in the supermarket, I was looking at the stationery part, my wife knows that I liked drawing and she told me, why don't you try it again, so I decided to buy some crayons, pencils, erasers and pencil sharpeners, oh and also a sketch pad, I wanted to give myself the opportunity.

Hace años atrás dibujaba cada vez que me daba inspiración, muchos fueron retratos, ya que me encantaba hacer todo a lápiz de grafito, nunca tuve la intención de aprender a colorear, pero esta vez pienso retomar esa pasión de cuando joven y aprender nuevas técnicas, por supuesto que compartiendo con ustedes ahora lo que aprenda a partir de esta publicación, la cual sería mi primer dibujo en la blockchain.

Years ago I used to draw whenever I was inspired, many of them were portraits, as I loved to do everything with graphite pencil, I never had the intention to learn how to colour, but this time I plan to retake that passion from when I was young and learn new techniques, of course sharing with you now what I learn from this publication, which would be my first drawing on the blockchain.

Quise empezar con algo sencillo, tengo olvidados los libros, tenía muchos años sin tocar un lápiz, así que seleccionar una imagen, y bueno jugando hoy League of Legends recordé que hace una semana vi la nueva serie animada de Riot Games en Netflix, llamada Arcane y tome una imagen de Jinx una tiradora en el juego, acá les dejo la imagen de referencia y de donde la tome, continuando con algunas imágenes del proceso de mi dibujo.

I wanted to start with something simple, I have forgotten the books, I had many years without touching a pencil, so I selected an image, and playing today League of Legends I remembered that a week ago I saw the new animated series of Riot Games on Netflix, called Arcane and I took an image of Jinx a shooter in the game, here is the reference image and where I took it from, continuing with some images of the process of my drawing.

Image taken from breakflip





Los Tejos

Sin más me despido amigos, hasta la próxima.

Without further ado I say goodbye friends, until next time.


wow, Jinx will still make an art of it, I loved the Netflix series.
Your art was really cool.


I also enjoyed the series a lot, and Jinx is one of my favourite champions in the game.


Excelente! El primero de mucho esperamos. Saludos!!!


Gracias y así sera, espero volver a dedicar tiempo al dibujo y aprender a diario.


Good to see an Arcane Jinx drawing. I have the skin in League of Legends: Wild Rift. I have more than 200 hours in the game. I play it since its release (2020). Nowadays it is one of my favorite games. You can find me in-game as [HUN] Xplosive. Good luck and have fun. Have a nice day and have a nice weekend. All the best. Greetings from Hungary.
