BEAUTY WITH A TWIST || The Inkwell #3


"Can we leave now?" Amie asked me as she looked around

"C'mon the birthday party just got started."

"It's about to rain, I don't want to get all wet and dirty." Amie replied.

We left, walking gracefully as usual. As we walked, with every part of our body shaking especially those of Amie who always loved to walk at the center of the three of us. We couldn't help but notice the males tilt their neck Whenever we walked pass them, with a goofy smile on their faces. At the same time the females would whisper to other and chuckle whenever we passed. Some of the bold males would walk up and ask.

"Hello ladies, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Keep walking!" Amie would always reply then with a rather harsh tone.

This all started after the Full moon incident. We usually gather at the square whenever the moon was full and have a little Celebration. This has been the tradition right from time in memorial. We haven't had a full moon in the past two years, Therefore this year's gathering was special and different from the rest. Everybody went extra miles to look great and attractive for the gathering. There was this female named Layla who we always looked up to, she was the prettiest in the land, we all wanted to be like her someday. Doing preparations for the great gathering, rumor had it that she has consulted her diviners to give her a potion that would make her prettier. We kept an eye for this potion, hoping that we would get a taste of it.

While others were at the square, we went to her house in search of the potion. After some minutes of ransacking, we found it hidden in a wooden box. Each of us applied the potion and headed back for the square. We never made it to the square, we stopped half way and looked for a good spot to sleep. Surprisingly we slept till the next morning, missing the entire celebration. We concluded that we applied a sleeping potion and not a beauty potion.

"Why do these males look back at us?" I asked as we walked home from the birthday party.

"Perhaps we have something on our faces." Missy replied.

Amie looked at Missy laughing.

"Of course we don't have anything on our faces. That is a very silly reason that you came up with."

"What do you have in mind then?"

"They look back at us to check if we are walking properly as females should. Especially to see if our tails are moving as they should."

"Woah! I have always thought that male and female tails move the same way when walking." Misty said.

"Of course not, there's a great difference." Amie replied.

"How are We females expected to move our tails then?" I asked.

"Watch how I walk and imitate my every move."

"Alright,If you say so."

We all agreed with whatever Amie said. She is much more exposed than Missy and I. She has traveled and explored several parts of the kingdom. Being a Royal Lioness gave her the opportunity to go on tours within and beyond the kingdom.

"Why don't we talk back to the males that approach us?" I asked, I was actually the inquisitive one among my friend.

"I don't know about yours, but my parents always warn me against talking to males."

"That's totally correct. They say that males would put a cub in me and desert me." Missy pointed out.

We were almost home when we saw Layla at a distance.

"Oh no!" Amie said as we saw her.


"Hey ladies how have you been?" Layla asked as we got close to her.

"Layla! looking pretty as always. We have been great dear."

"I have been looking for you girls since the full moon celebration?"

"We have been busy dear, from one adventure to another." Amie replied sharply. In truth we have actually been avoiding her.

"Y'all messed up for reals. I heard the rumors, I just had to confirm for myself." Layla continued.

***"What rumors?" We were now looking down in shame.

"You girls know exactly what I'm talking about."

"We are really sorry for using your sleeping potion. You must have needed it to help you sleep after the Full moon celebration."

"Sleeping what? What are you taking about?" Layla asked in confusion.

"The potion we used when we sneaked into your house."

"Oh my! You have no idea? That was actually an ugly potion which my haters planted for me. I kept it to remind me what there will always be people jealous of my beauty."

"Wait a minute!! You are trying to tell me that since the full moon till today, we have been walking around with ugly faces?"

Amie asked screaming and almost crying.

"Exactly. I'm surprised no one have told you girls this."

"Actually they tried to, but we wouldn't give them a chance to." I replied.

"It seems you came seeking beauty and rather you got BEAUTY WITH A TWIST."

I'm On A Mission To Explore All #theinkwellprompt Dished Out Before I Joined The Platform. Click HERE For More Prompts.



This is a story with a twist! It seems from jealousy and resentment no good can come. Neither can it come from poking around in someone' house and 'borrowing' their potion. We hope, when the story ends, that the three silly girls can find a potion to correct the mess they have made.

Thank you for posting this entertaining story in the Ink Well community.


Thank you @theinkwell. Truly no good comes from jealousy and resentment. I'm glad you enjoyed this.


This is very entertaining, @doziekash. And I'm so pleased when people use our past prompts. They are a rich resource!


Hello @jayna I'm glad that found this interesting. I hope to use as much previous prompt as I can. They sound so interesting.
