F*** Feminism


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I'm hesitant to post this, but it's a real feeling of mine. Men hurt too. All of humanity hurts. We need compassion for everyone who is victimized by another, no matter their gender, color, etc

Fuck your feminism
Fuck your hyper sexuality
Fuck my fear of telling the truth
Of what was done to me

It's easier to go numb
Oh that's dumb
But I only have one lung
Left to breathe
I'm drowning in a sea
Suffocating in you
Only women bleed
We don't have a need
But don't you know that men hurt too?

we are more
Than just a body respiring
Doing its thing
Hung on a string
Controlled by appetitic desiring.

No we are souls.
We are spirits
And minds
And humans with natures inclined
To good or evil
And hearts which can be broken.

Fuck your reductionist idealogy
Fuck your alphabet stew
Fuck your perpetual victimhood
Because men hurt too.

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