No Rest

img_0.8252346102773159.jpg it's always the back ones...

I could whine and cry about my life, it's pretty miserable right now. Relationship issues, a finalized divorce, topped off with a severe misfire on my van. Did I mention a stomach bug which has made moving quickly impossible?

Bleh, I just want to sleep. For days. But only if everything gets solved in that time. How nice would it be if we could just sleep while our problems cured themselves?

Anyway, thanks to YouTube, I'm not too up the creek with the van. And honestly, this isn't my first go around with it. Unfortunately, in the 17 months that I have had it, there have been numerous failures of sensors and electronics. I am not a fan of these newfangled efficient cars. I would rather have one mile less per gallon than plugs and coils going bad because of oil leaks and bad electrical connections. From what I can find the cause of most Honda issues is the system they installed to meet government standards. Thanks, EPA...

Sleep would be good. At least work isn't too stressful. There are people who can create drama over mowing grass (sad, I know) but they have been chill lately. And since it's "winter" (is there winter in Florida?) nothing is growing much. So there is a slight bit of rest even at work. There is even time to plot my posts here, and play with my token hodlings.

It's not all bad. But man am I exhausted...

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