


What is peace? Is it a lack of conflict? Or is it something more?

If peace is a good thing, it can't be a lack. Good is a fullness and lack of good is evil. Therefore if peace is good, peace must be a fullness of something.

Now, conflict isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it is necessary to correct a wrong. Therefore peace can't simply be a lack of conflict, if conflict is sometimes good, because a lack of good is evil.

Peace isn't complete when conflict ends. That is only the beginning of peace. Reconciliation requires a rebuilding, work from both parties to restore what was destroyed. Simply saying "we are at peace" because the conflict is over doesn't restore anything. That's a truce, not a peace.

A truce becomes peace when both parties work to rebuild what was lost in the conflict. This can happen in a variety of ways, depending on the conflict, but it absolutely has to be mutual in nature. One party cannot create peace on his or her own.

We should strive to be at peace with everyone. But this is not always possible, as some people will not cooperate with rebuilding. We have to be willing to build peace but also willing to accept truces if peace isn't possible. We cannot force peace, as the use of force would inevitably create conflict, and not always a good kind. We are to have an attitude of peacemaking once conflict is over and resolve ourselves to let go of bitterness and the desire for revenge, as both are antithetical both to truce and to true peace.

What do you think, readers? Am I full of it?

This stuff has just been bouncing around in my head lately as conflict has been a daily thing for me. I want peace in my life, but it seems impossible sometimes because others can be so conflict driven. I am willing to accept that I may be wrong, and their conflicts with me are legitimate and ultimately can build me. Conflict isn't always bad, but peace is supremely better.


A truce becomes peace when both parties work to rebuild what was lost in the conflict.

Damn. You’ve hit on several good points in here - I often have thoughts like this that bounce around in my head, but they always seem to bounce off into the dark before I can organize and articulate them like you’ve done here. Nicely done, agreed on all points, and no I don’t think you’re full of it LOL!


Thanks for the kind words! Yeah, I often have great streams of thought and as soon as I sit down to write them out they are gone. Gotta strike while the iron is hot I guess...


Yeah I think that’s the trick! Lately I’ve been just jotting down notes and hoping to rekindle the idea - it works in most arenas, but somehow I struggle with this most when speaking on matters of spirituality. I guess that means we’ve identified a good area for growth for me :)


This goes to show how easy it is to be at peace with yourself. Since the sides that has to work together are you and you! Be at peace with yourself then everything will come into place! Love what you wrote as well!


Ooo, I like that. I hadn't thought of it like that but does make sense. Of course sometimes parts of myself don't want to work with the rest... Hmmm...


That's why it is important to focus on yourself first. we can't be at peace with other if we weren't with ourselves! Prayer and mediation and workout I think are the best for this.
