Ideas, Questions and the Now + Daily Runes



Countless Illusions, One Truth

Look around you and pay attention. Synchronize your breathing with your observation. Listen to your heart and to the sounds around you. Commit to memory the feelings inside. When you pan your eyes around your room, your house or wherever you are at the moment of reading this, what do you see? When you sharpen your ears, what do you perceive? Can you describe to yourself the texture of the place your hands are touching? How does your skin experience the wind, the cold or warmth of the environment? And as you make this review, what emotions arise in you? What dreams and memories flood your Mind's Eye?

All of these are things of the Present Moment. If you're able to focus enough as to provide to yourself clear and satisfactory answers to at least part of these questions, you're in the Now. Make it a habit to explore your reality this way and you'll live in increasing awareness of what's going on. If you already practice meditation, yoga or a mystical path, this is probably quite familiar to you. Bear in mind that the majority of people on this planet, in any age of human existence, have lived their lives in narratives of their own making, not in this constant flow of the Now. We all do at some level. Fortunately, living in the Now is in itself a tool to dismantle these narratives, because when the prompts, loops, twists and turns of our personalities and the events of our environment are revealed to us, we can't unsee them, we can only ignore them by choice.


Ansuz, the Rune that you see below, rules the Word, the Voice and the Story. It relates to our systems of beliefs, the opinions and ideas that serve as the axis of our mental and emotional making. Today's message is simple but very hard to apply. When we speak, it's not always clear whether we're speaking truth or some mockery of it tailored to our prejudices. How can we tell the difference? Well, are your words kind? Are the feelings and thoughts you experience when you speak joyous, peaceful and empathetic? Do you find it relatively easy to connect with those you're speaking to without reacting to their own words and actions? Then you're in the energy of Love and therefore, you're being true. Any feelings of discomfiture, rejection, anger or fear; any judgments and criticisms arising in your thoughts while you listen to others or observe your surroundings, are signals of falsehood. Succumbing to the temptation of arguing your points and proving that you're right to the exclusion of any other view, is strengthening the Ego and the Illusion.

The more aware we are, the more silent we can be both internally and externally, the faster we can detect nuances and minutiae and thus, the more aware we grow. This is a virtuous cycle of understanding and wisdom, and it helps us detach from our perceptions to survey the world and ourselves candidly. Implement this in your current context and expand it to the news you read about other places, to the information that reaches you on matters you're not directly involved in. Indeed, say what you must say and also question everything. When you're sure you know an answer, that's when the questions are more urgent.

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Night Rune: Gebo

Encounters with dense entities that do not show me hostility but gratitude. Couples that face serious issues.

Daylight Rune: Ansuz

Say what you must say, there are secrets that you cannot and need not carry anymore. What is kept silent remains misunderstood, choose whether it is better for you to express yourself or ignore the situation, but formulate the important questions. Submit your posture to the consideration of others and exhibit your vision about the postures of others, always from honesty. The more uncomfortable a truth, the more indispensable it is to say it, do not block yourself or retain relevant information, decisions must be made. Although your voice appears not to be heard, your words have an impact that reverberates even in your absence. Again, say what you must say. Speak from respect and responsibility. Each lie and insult is a debt that begins to be exacted immediately, cleanse your discourse from anger, pride and fear, foment trust and kindness.
