RE: Hummingbird Moth Likes Grandmother Flowers


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You really nailed this one! Well done! Those hummingbird moths are not seen that often here, I have to wonder if it is because they are so fast or if I don't recognize them right away! The first time I saw one, I actually thought it was a hummingbird, by the sound alone.

I was shocked to see it wasn't!

You hit a soft spot in my heart when you talked about going to your grandmother's homestead. I have been doing that since I got married and left home. I took pieces of home with me, and now, I put pieces at the shore house which I feel like I will keep until I am laid to rest. It has pieces of everywhere I ever lived. I even took a peach pit from Germany (in my yard there! and now I have a peach tree at the Shore House) Lilacs and daylilies... so many things... sorry. You just touched that soft spot I have for carrying forth the memories.

Your Grandmothers flowers are beautiful. I love the blooms, but, better still is the fact that they are the flower that keeps on giving, and giving, all summer long. You and nature have a good relationship. They pose for you and some even give you a smile. Nature rocks!

I hope you are having a wonderful day! Breathe in that essence of nature!

Upped and Reposted



Denise, these flowers do seem like a forever gift from my grandmother who left this earth when I was 13. I wish she could have stayed longer. Her kindness and influence stays with me always.

Our memories are all we have sometimes and it’s lovely you have surrounded yourself with articles that keep them alive. I have a few rocks i picked up from other places.

Thanks for your wonderful words and for the tip. ❤️

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.😊


Thank you... and just so you know, I believe she willed you her kindness and beautiful soul. Everything about you is always lovely.

Have a beautiful day. 💖


What a sweet thing to say Denise,💞 I hope I can live up to it. 😊

You are a beautiful caring soul yourself Denise and your excellent wordsmith skills raises the vibrations of us all. 💖
