RE: Passion Play


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I can honestly say for myself, that it was never about finding the passion. It could be, but, it also has to be able to support you and your family in a somewhat comfortable lifestyle.

So, if you are working in a place that holds no passion for you, is it wrong to stay? Not necessarily. You can do it on the side until it pays enough to have a hostile takeover of your life. Well, not hostile, but a takeover on the other job.

I had a job I was passionate about, but, had to change direction. In the end, it was a good move. So, sometimes, passion isn't the only thing.


I wholeheartedly agree. Work and hobbies don’t necessarily mix. And doing what you need to do to live a life that is good and comfortable is important. In fact, having a job that you don’t like to do that pays very well, so long as it doesn’t overwhelm you with stress, responsibilities, and feelings of resentment will probably lead to a much happier and more satisfying life than having a job you are passionate about but either barely pays the bills or doesn’t allow you to make ends meet.

When I started this journey, I took a look at my life and asked myself what is it that I want to do? Then I looked at my list and thought about my daily routine and asked myself what on my list of things that I want to do can I start doing right now, every day, even if only for five minutes.

The answer was almost everything on my want to do list. It was very surprising.

Now I do most of the things that I dreamed of doing every day. What I’m struggling with now is that I want to do more of what I want to do, and need to monetize it in some way in order to be able to do more of it. Otherwise, I just have to scale back and be happy with the five minutes a day (or more). I’m at that place of finding the next step, or if we refer to the Robert Frost poem that you always put in your posts, deciding which path to take. It can be a hard place to be at times.


That fork in the road is a really hard place to be. One of the paths continues your journey, the other leads to a path that may or may not open doors for you.

It is interesting to see what we actually chose when given the opportunity.

Monetizing the things on my list of passions was unrealistic, but, having a good job making it easy to enjoy the time I did have. It all came down to me being able to make it all work.


Work-Life Balance, right?

I know that in my life, I’ve often found that the things I thought I wanted, once I had them, weren’t quite what I thought they would be. So I’m not approaching any of this with my rose-colored glasses on.

Honestly, I’d be happy to keep doing exactly what I’m doing with only some small changes. I just want to take the next step and print my work and share it somewhere. For an analogy, I think it might be like being a player who is sitting on the bench and just wants a chance to get in the game.

I know what I need to do. Thanks for commenting and sharing!


Exactly! Sorry I lost sight of this and found it today! Hope all is well with you!

Happy Labor Day. Hehehehe
