Sunset photography


Hai teman-teman semua,

Saya kembali ke alam semesta, dan beberapa hasilnya membuat saya tersenyum melihatnya.

Alam telah memberi saya hasrat yang tak ternilai untuk fotografi.

Seperti biasa hp redmi 9c hanya bermodal modal saja, dan modal ini saya gunakan sebaik mungkin untuk bisa mendapatkan foto saya untuk dijadikan postingan asli setiap hari.

Jangan pernah minder dengan peralatan apa adanya, dan ini bukan kesederhanaan dari saya, tapi hanya ini yang saya miliki, sebagai pendatang baru di blogchain HIVE ini, semangat saya tidak pernah padam.

Bagi saya gambar bukanlah ukuran bagi saya, terus menulis dan terus bisa menghasilkan konten adalah segalanya bagi saya.

Memotret matahari terbenam adalah sesuatu yang telah saya lakukan berkali-kali, dan kemungkinan besar saya akan tetap dengan konten yang satu ini.

Perlengkapan foto membuat saya sedikit kurang percaya diri untuk mengambil foto close-up, ya begitulah hidup saya.

Ada penampakan yang saya publish di postingan saya, terlihat pada gambar pertama adalah tumbuhan liar yang saya pasangkan dalam budidaya ini.

Mengenai pohon liar ini, saya telah menyisipkan gambar di bagian bawah posting ini.

Alamnya yang liar membuat saya tertarik untuk bisa memanfaatkan momen-momen indah pemandangan saat kita berfoto.

Berikut hasil jepretan saya hari ini dan semoga kita bisa menikmati keindahan ini bersama-sama dengan yang ada dan melihat blog saya,








Hi all friends,

I returned to the universe, and some of the results made me smile to see it.

Nature has given me an invaluable passion for photography.

As usual, the redmi 9c cellphone only has capital, and I use this capital as best I can to be able to get my photos to be used as original posts every day.

Don't ever be discouraged by the tools as they are, and this is not simplicity from me, but this is all I have, as a newcomer to this HIVE blogchain, my enthusiasm never goes out.

For me images are not the measure for me, keep writing and keep producing content is everything to me.

Photographing sunsets is something I have done time and time again, and I will most likely stick with the content on this one.

Photo equipment makes me a little less confident to take close-up photos, yes that's my life.

There is an apparition that I published in my post, seen in the first picture is a wild plant that I put in this cultivation.

Regarding this wild tree, I have inserted a picture at the bottom of this post.

The wild nature made me interested in being able to take advantage of the beautiful moments of the scenery when we took pictures.

Here are my shots today and hopefully we can enjoy this beauty together with those who are there and see my blog,

One support for @duwiky is very meaningful, because I am the original content creator based on Sunset Photography

That's our little breakdown and some of the beautiful pictures from me, and they all look so perfect and simple.

My picture captions:

1PhotographySunset Photography
2LocationIndonesia - Aceh,
3Camera usedRedmi 9C (Triple camera 13 MP, f/2.2, 28mm (wide), 2 MP, f/2.4, (macro), 2 MP, f/2.4, (depth))
4Photo7:5 , 16:9
6My Account TwitterDarmawanDuwiky
7My Account FbDuwiky Darmawan
8My Account IgDuwiky_Darmawan
9My PostOn Steemit, blurt, Hive Community Sunset Photography,


Sunset Photography

One support for @duwikyy is very meaningful, because I am the original content creator based on Sunset Photography


This fire will not be extinguished, because I have wrapped it neatly in the Hive frame


Here are some media that I follow:

My Blog Hive

My Blog Steemit

My Blog Blurt
