Cadáver en la orilla del mar Corpse on the seashore


Traducción Española
Era sábado por la mañana, el sol abrasador daba vida a la atmósfera aburrida que rodeaba la playa. La playa recibía visitantes de todas partes que habían venido a disfrutar de la brisa fresca. La playa estaba concurrida, nadadores que nadaban de un extremo al otro, jugadores que se paraban en la orilla jugando voleibol, visitantes que se tumbaban en la arena disfrutando de la brisa, cuando de repente un cadáver irrumpió en la orilla. La gente se asustó, nadie identificó el cadáver y el difunto no parecía nativo de esa tierra. Las personas de los alrededores intentaron obtener una pista de quién era o la causa de su muerte pero no se encontró evidencia ni documento que identificara quién era.

Fuente de la foto

El nativo de esa tierra, temiendo las repercusiones, contrató a un detective que averiguaría la causa de la muerte del extraño para salvarlo de las consecuencias de suposiciones erróneas. El señor Philip, un hombre de aspecto anciano, llegó al día siguiente y le contaron todo lo sucedido. Se dirigió al lugar del que había salido y lo observó durante unos minutos.
"Quieres decir que el cadáver simplemente apareció en la orilla sin flotar primero desde lejos"
"Sí", respondieron.
Revisó durante algunas horas y observó el cuerpo en busca de signos de heridas, pero no había ninguno. Pero en su cuello había un símbolo con el que no estaba familiarizado. Philip tomó fotografías del letrero tatuado en su cuello y se sentó en su regazo donde buscó el letrero y lo que significaba.

El detective Philip se dio cuenta de que el letrero era el de prisioneros romanos y se lo colocaron a prisioneros que eran notorios. Ahora el detective Philip sabía que el fallecido estaba prisionero en Roma, pero tenía curiosidad por saber qué lo había hecho ahogarse o probablemente haberlo matado. A la mañana siguiente fue temprano a la orilla del mar y se sentó en un banco mientras observaba. Muchas preguntas comenzaron a cruzar por su mente, hizo más investigaciones y se dio cuenta de que estaban transportando prisioneros un día antes de que se encontrara su cadáver. En el lugar donde se detuvo había una tabla a la que parecía haberse aferrado como apoyo, pero desafortunadamente no logró llegar a la orilla antes de ahogarse.

Esto es en respuesta al Concurso de @hispaliterario. El concurso sigue siendo válido para participar

English Translation
It was Saturday morning, the blazing sunlight brought life to the dull atmosphere around the beach. The beach had visitors from far and near who had come to enjoy the cool breeze. The beach was busy, swimmers who swam from one end to the other end, gamers who stood by the shore playing volleyball, visitors who lay on the sand enjoying the breeze, when suddenly a corpse burst ashore. The people became terrified, nobody identified the corpse, and the deceased didn't look like a native of that land. The people around there tried to get a clue to who he was or the clue to the cause of his death but no evidence was found nor a document to identify who he was.

Photo Source

The native of that land, in fear of the repercussions, hired a detective who would find out about the cause of the stranger's death in order to save them from the consequences of wrong assumptions. Mr. Philip, an elderly looking man, arrived the next day and he was told all that happened. He went to the site where he had bursted out from and observed it for some minutes.

"You mean, the corpse just burst ashore without first floating from afar "

"Yes" they responded.

He checked around for some hours, and observed the body for signs of injuries but there was none. But on his neck was a symbol that he wasn't familiar with. Mr Philip took photos of the sign tattooed on his neck and went to his lap where he searched for the sign and what it meant.

Detective Philip realized the sign is that of roman prisoners and it was placed on prisoners who were notorious. Now detective Philip knew the deceased was a prisoner in Rome, but was curious to what had made him drown or probably killed him. He went to the seashore early the next morning and sat on a bench as he observed. Many questions started to cross his mind, and he did more findings and realized prisoners were being transported a day before his corpse was found. On the spot to which he pulled up was a plank to which he seemed to have held for a support, but unfortunately he didn't make it up shore before he drowned.

This is in response to the Contest by @hispaliterario . The contest is still valid for participation


Wow, the detective drowned? I never expected that. That was a good twist.

Hello dearest dreemer. Happy Tuesday. I hope you are ready for today's tunes. Make today count with beats to give your heart the right rhythm. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.


Wait, was that how it ended? I wrote this story in a sleepy eyes, I didn't even know how it ended or how the mystery was unfolded


What an ending!

It would have being so surprising to people around when they saw the corpse.

Nice one

