Cinetv Contest: HANNIBAL- My Favorite Underrated Movie


When taking a look back at the television series from 10-12 year ago, there are a few numbers of shows that people would likely bring up, probably considering a few factors based on their likes and dislikes. The movies walking Dead, Big bang theory,etc. And while those movies are worth the burger, there are many interesting and fantastic series that were underrated and got lost in the mist. One of such movies is HANNIBAL. The movie is considered to be gory. There are many individuals who would criticize the movie for the scenes full of bloody and scary acting. Boar eating animals, Dr. Lecter kills and eats, people being eaten alive by pigs, etc. Alright that's enough for a love of people to give it a thumbs down, but let me take you through a review of the movie.


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In order to catch the world's most vile killers, a determined criminal profiler known as Hugh Fancy. The help of highly intelligent psychologist, Hannibal Lecter known as the mad Mikkelsen, who harbors dark tendencies of his own was needed. Even for Hannibal lecter dark side, he was still useful, everyone has a bad side just like Hannibal, if you could picture the movie beyond the gory scenes, one could appreciate the good acting. The movie featured high production value and had great acting.

I love the movie for the simple message it passed, we can be wired to be something we don't like to be, like in the case of Lecter, being a cannibal wasn't his fault, he was hard wired that way. I remember some scenes where Anthony Hopkins sitting in a restaurant with him said "You're Hannibal Lecter, aren't you? I wish my husband was like you". This means he had his good nature that people appreciated. Even though the movie diminishes the status of Hannibal from a focus of evil to being a mere predator. On his trail is another millionaire, Mason Verger, who wants revenge. The Mason Verger villain character is a superb combination of skill and diabolical imagination. There are a lot of details in the TV series that make it fantastic even though it is full of violence. I believe there's a lot to appreciate from it.
