Goal and wishes


A goal without a plan is just a wish.

I had this culture of making resolutions and setting goals for every new year, but what I don't do is make plans toward achieving those goals. The year comes and goes without me achieving all the set goals and I blame the economy and how life is full of ups and downs. I didn't see my fault, I felt all I needed was to pen down what I needed to achieve and things will fall in pleasant places. I was wrong, goals are backed up with proper planning, a goal without a plan is just a wish. I realized this late last year when it occurred to me that I was just living and hoping for things to work as I desired with no plans in place.

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This year came differently with the realization that Goals need to be backed up with plans, if plans are not in place, the probability of the year ending like other years will be high. Sometimes things may not go as planned, the vicissitudes of life may happen making some goals difficult to achieve but plans help one stay no matter the roars and storms of life.

There's a saying that goes "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". 70% of most failures are as a result of poor or no planning. We allow life waver with us in any direction and at the end, offer us what we never anticipated. planning is important to succeed in every phase in life, it helps prevent the shock that comes with unfulfilled goals. Set goals, make plans, put up indicators to help measure if you're making progress . Don't end up making wishes instead of setting goals.
