Life is tough, get a helmet


Have you ever heard the statement " when life hits you?". It does hit and it hits one so hard knocking them to the ground. It's risky to live and everything we do in life involves risk-taking, because, at the other end are thorns, hammers, nails, and vinegars. You either get a helmet or get knocked out. Every stage in life comes with it challenges and at a point it seems challenges are part of the Earth's system, it's either you're prepared to handle them or you become its slave as it toils you around until everything about you becomes meaningless.

Life is tough. It doesn't matter your status or where you come from, life is tough and it has no respect for who it hits, get a helmet and save yourself the damages. Knowledge is profitable to direct. What you understand always has a low degree of harm on you. What a costly mistake to trend this difficult life with no helmet on, with no knowledge in the turn of events, with no understanding of seasons. Your helmet is a shield for depression, a cure for bitterness and cursing, and a comforter that tomorrow holds a bright future for us.

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Get a helmet, life is too tough to walk with an exposed head. Life is full of mysteries that we can never understand what happens from the beginning to end. Everyone needs a helmet to survive in this cosmos full of confusion and trouble. A helmet costs less, but saves you much. Yeah, it's heavy to wear but it can help your interaction with life. It's heavy to bear but why rush with an unprotected head. A helmet is wisdom, a guard to our life , knowledge to understand that life is in two phases and that each phase helps us appreciate the other face of life.

Life is tough, way tougher than it looks on the surface. Get a helmet and prevent yourself from all the bad energies that corrupt the process
