Kanye West Loses 2 Billion Dollars| Kayrie asked to apologies| Threats to Dave Chepelle



I think it has been close to a month since Kanye West (now Ye) visited the drink champ (a podcast) and discussed the fact that the richer Jews in the entertainment industry had a cabal that you could not go against. And since then he got dropped from Adidas and he has been leaking money.

To prove that he never had all that money, all he had to do was say the "wrong" things and he ended up losing it. Do you know how many generations you had to go through for 2 Billion to disappear? They spared no time to make the world know that Ye messed up and needed punishment.

But what would you do if you saw something as clear as day and the people doing these things were higher than you? What would you do if they owned you in sense? Would you stay quiet or would you speak out?

In a podcast, Kanye was asked to list the people he felt were making these moves in my opinion that would be more dangerous than what he did. At least right now he named people in general and was being attacked generally speaking but if he name these people specifically, I think we would hear that he died by suicide.

2 Billion numbers on a screen


This is all that it is. 2 billion was what google would put out to show what the superstar was worth. But at some point, you need to realise the money they put on the screen is all that it is.

The other person to suffer right now is Kyrie the NBA superstar. He has been suspended for some days because he tweeted a documentary about how black people were the original Jews.

The name of the documentary is Hebrews to Negros. He posted the link to the Amazon Prime purchase page but what is the craziest thing is that Amazon still sells this product on their website for $28 but if someone even tweets at the fact that he saw information about himself on a documentary he loses days of gameplay.

Today, people are picking on Kyrie for things they don't understand. I am not going to pretend that I understand what is on the documentary because I haven't seen it but the way they are attacking people who say anything about this raises some red flags everywhere to me.

Shaquil O'Neal and Lebron James joined in to make Kyrie look like a fool for simply putting out a tweet. Very soon Kyrie will start losing numbers on a screen too.

Threats to Dave Chappelle


Dave Chapelle in Saturday Night Live talked bout how he doesn't own his name anymore and if he wasn't to start a show with his name it would be impossible because they own the rights to his name for life.

How much is your freedom worth?

I am really happy I work in Nigeria and on Hive sometimes. At least I can say what I think is true and people can fact-check my statements and bring them to my knowledge. In America, it seems as if there is always one person that could be offended by something.

Nobody's speech is really as free as it should be and that is the scariest thing.

The remaining parts of Ye's wealth rest on the fact that he still has real estate. He has been encouraging black people to buy land and I am all for that. It is the only way you can be sovereign, but even in some cases, the government could find reasons to take that away from you. But let's just keep watching to see how things turn out.

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There's a lot of truth to what they say about people with money and power, but the ones at the top of that pyramid aren't Jewish... their only god is the accumulation of more wealth and power.


I feel the Jews get too fidgety when their name is mentioned in stuff like this, making people suspect them more. How does a person lose 2 billion dollars in wealth in days and they couldn't have the decency to stop selling his product?

Now they are attacking everyone who makes mention of their name on social media. it is a silly thing.
