RE: EcoTrain's QOTW - Artificial Intelligence: The End of the Beginning


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lovely to read your post! such a level headed approach you have taken to life.. and many of those decisions i do understand.. and just so you know, the first time you ever take E is the best.. a bit like ones first love i suppose.. from that day on one may go chasing rainbows.. unless of course one has discovered micro dosing, but that is another story!

reading your post and some of the questions you asked brought up a lot for me.. its a bit hard for me to contain what i know and feel sometimes.. and i think ive done a pretty good job so far.. ive barely gone on any rants , apart from a few AI generated gems actually,// bit I quickly realised that there was really no point.

I didnt expect so many people to react with so much fear to AI, until it happened.. and then i was like.. oh yeah of course they would all miss the elephant in the room!

i mean, i dont even know where to start! A wise old bird once said "If you dont understand the problem, why are you going to even want to hear about a solution?

And that, is in a way where this rabbit hole starts, for me. I mean, dont even get me started other than to say.. we really ought to get our minds and hearts and souls back in place and FAST! Humanity has been desecrated by capitalism and incredibly dark and parasitic forces that. . until now have been unchecked. . .

Finally, after a very long wait, we have what i can only describe as THE ONLY SOLUTION OR OPTION that we have to actually break free of this tyrany. Its amazing to witness capitalism destroy itself, and AI make a complete mockery of just about every facet of business and commercialism.. almost a-z and weve barely even started!

AI's sudden ability to become, virtually conscious, has changed everything.. its a bit hard to understand what a 1000x change in developments in every field will mean for humanity... but we can already see it happening, incredible breakthroughs happening in every field. it is staggering quite how versatile and easy it is to interface with AI and get your needs met!

anyways, !.. if anyone is scared of AI, then they are probably good people.. and good people are EXACTLY the kind of people we want using AI .. and doing good things.. it is amazing what we can do, in good ways, with this thing.. i have already created things i could never have done without it, and they are .. GOOD! they help .. and thank god its become open source, because that, at the end of the day was the most important thing, and WHO Would have thought that our best old friend Mark Zuckerberg would lead the way?! Its beautiful to watch him virtually destroy Google and APple with his amazing LLama open source models!

SO lets just sit back, and relax.. and watch what happens to the world in the next 10 years.. PRetty soon, i think, we will have the kind of support and help that each of us needs in this crazy world.. our OWN personal AI that truly handles, prevents, and deals with 99% of the BS that the world throws at us.. I truly believe that AI will deliver what computers were always meant to do.. and until now failed miserably!

<3 thanks for listening, hope i didnt go off too much on a rant..

p/s i didnt use ai to spell check this one,, as you can see! i thought u might appreciate .. and for the record, my typos are often VERY intersting fraudian slips.. <3
