
un saludo a toda la comunidad hoy quiero compartierles la historia de mi fiel compañero que me acompaña a casi todas partes, el llego a mi por pura casualidad les hablo de mi saxofon THE BEST IN THE WORLD.

Greetings to the entire community, today I want to share the story of my faithful companion who accompanies me almost everywhere, he came to me by pure chance and I told you about my THE BEST IN THE WORLD saxophone.


les cuento en el año 2010 me compre un saxofon yamaha profesional un yas62 nuevo de agencia pero esto no es la historia que les quiero relatar, solo los pongo en contexto; bueno los años pasaron y en una visita a villa de cura para un ensayo con una agrupacion y villa de cura es una poblacion donde habitan muchos musicos, los cierto es que cuando voy en via al ensayo tube la necesidad de ir al baño y me acoerde que estaba cerca de la casa de un amigo asi que fui y le pedi el baño prestado, al salir al patio de mi amigo para mi asombro veo un saxofon en el patio de la casa a la interperie al lado de unos hierros chatarra y con mi asombro le comente a mi amigo "oye y ese saxo" le pregunte y me dijo que lo saco para limpiarlo y ya tenia unos años alli me conto que una vez se lo vendieron y practicamente desde ese dia esta alli, yo le dije como soy saxofonista que me gustaria tenerlo de adorno en mi casa. los meses pasaron y volvi a villa de cura y me acorde de aquel saxofon y lo llame para prenguntarle si me lo vendia el penso que yo bromeaba y le insiste y al final me lo vendio en 10$ americanos si Diez dolares que fue el monto que el lo compro y asi que me lleve esa antigueda, y en muchas ocasiones sirvio de decoracion.

I am telling you that in 2010 I bought a professional Yamaha saxophone, a new yas62 from an agency, but this is not the story that I want to tell you, I am only putting it in context; well the years passed and on a visit to villa de cura for a rehearsal with a group and villa de cura is a town where many musicians live, the truth is that when I went to the rehearsal I had the need to go to the bathroom and I remembered I was close to a friend's house so I went and asked him to borrow the bathroom, when I went out to my friend's patio to my astonishment I see a saxophone in the patio of the house in the open next to some junk iron and with my Astonished, I commented to my friend "hey, and that saxophone" I asked him and he told me that he took it out to clean it and it had been there for a few years and he told me that once they sold it to him and practically since that day it has been there, I told him how I am a saxophonist I would like to have it as an ornament in my house. The months passed and I returned to Villa de Cura and I remembered that saxophone and I called him to ask him if he would sell it to me. He thought I was joking and insisted and in the end he sold it to me for $10 US, yes, ten dollars, which was the amount he He bought it and so I took that antique with me, and on many occasions it served as decoration.


ah pero la historia no concluye alli en el 2016 la crisis en Venezuela estaba llegando a niveles inimaginables y la crisis trajo como consecuensias el incremento de la delincuencia, a mi no me dijieron lo vivi en el 2017 fui victima de robo a mana armada en este año me encontraba en casa de una tia celebrando un cumpleaños un grupo de delincuente ingresaron con armas largas a robarnos nos amarraron y se llevaron todo lo que se imaginen hasta las cucharillas y como yo lleve mi saxo yamaha a tocar el cumpleaños tambien se lo llevaron en fin si llevaron todo!!!!
fueron dias de reflexion yo solo vivo y trabajo con la musica mi herramienta de trabajo fue robada no sabia que hacer ingresaba a las paginas de internet a ver cuanto costaba comprar otro saxofon yamaha y el monto era sobre los 3000$ estaba desconsolado en mi habitacion y en un rincon estaba la solucion un saxofon antiguio lleno de oxido que una vez vi en un patio de villa de cura estaba postrado en un rincon de mi habitacion fue como una especie de epifania como si el saxofon me llamaba y voltie mi mirada hacia el y lo tome en mis manos y lo rebice detalladamente y estaba completo, en mal estado pero tenia todas sus llaves y componentes y dije eres tu, inmediatamente llame a un luthier (persona que repara instrumentos musicales) y le comente de lo susedido y me dijo que se lo llevara y asi fue en el 2017 lleve el saxofon a restaurar con el señon luthier Felix Ocanto y en una semana realizo el trabajo este saxo antiguio volvio a a la vida

aqui les presento el trabajo de restauracion que hizo el luthier en aquel 2017

ah but the story does not end there in 2016 the crisis in Venezuela was reaching unimaginable levels and the crisis brought an increase in crime as consequences, they did not tell me I lived it in 2017 I was a victim of armed robbery in this year I was at the house of an aunt celebrating a birthday a group of criminals entered with long weapons to rob us they tied us up and took everything you can imagine, even the teaspoons and since I took my Yamaha saxophone to play the birthday they also took it in end if they took everything!!!!
They were days of reflection. I only live and work with music. My work tool was stolen. I didn't know what to do. I went to the internet pages to see how much it would cost to buy another Yamaha saxophone and the amount was over $3000. I was disconsolate in my room and in a corner was the solution an old saxophone full of rust that I once saw in a patio of villa de cura was prostrated in a corner of my room it was like a kind of epiphany as if the saxophone called me and I turned my gaze towards it and I took it in my hands and received it in detail and it was complete, in poor condition but it had all its keys and components and I said it's you, I immediately called a luthier (person who repairs musical instruments) and told him about what had happened and he told me that He will take it with him and that's how it was in 2017 I took the saxophone to restore with the luthier Felix Ocanto and in a week he did the job this old sax came back to life

Here I present the restoration work that the luthier did in that 2017








trabajo terminado


una belleza de instrumento que volvio a surgir este es un saxofon alto marca Julius Keilwerth modelo TONEKING made in la extinta CZECHOSLOVAKIA

a beauty instrument that re-emerged this is a Julius Keilwerth brand alto saxophone model TONEKING made in the extinct CZECHOSLOVAKIA


busque en el catalogo de la compañia por el serial este instrumento es del año 1942, es un instrumeto que ya cumplio 81 años y es mi fiel compañero el que utlizo en todas mis presentaciones tiene un sonido maravilloso les invito a que vea algunas de mis presentaciones que he realizado en algunas comunidades de #hive como #hiveopenmic #zonemusic #soundmusic y escuche el sonido de un saxo de 81años......

como nota final mi amigo cuando vio el intrumento quedo impresionado con el resultado final no creia que era el mismo y aproveche de prenguntarle de donde habia sacado el sax quien se lo vendio? y me dijo que un señor que trabaja en el aso urbano el que colecta la basura se lo llevo a su casa y el queria 10$; asi pues este saxo salio del pote de la basura a las grandes tarimas.

look in the company's catalog for the serial this instrument is from the year 1942, it is an instrument that is 81 years old and it is my faithful companion that I use in all my presentations it has a wonderful sound I invite you to see some of my presentations that I have done in some #hive communities like #hiveopenmic #zonemusic #soundmusic and listen to the sound of an 81 year old sax......

As a final note, when my friend saw the instrument, he was impressed with the final result. He didn't think it was the same, and I took advantage of asking him where he got the sax, who sold it to him? and he told me that a man who works in the urban area who collects the garbage took it to his house and he wanted $10; so this sax came out of the garbage can to the big platforms.



Amazing story, and what a fantastic repair job! It's so beautiful now. Hehe, you have reminded me I need to clean mine, which is silver-plated too and getting a bit tarnished. 😛


It's been 6 years and it's getting opaque. I left my country for a while due to the economic situation towards the Colombian coast of Cartagena de Indias and the weather affected the instrument a lot, the humidity and the salt are already getting maintenance too


Wao! See how things works. I am sure you never imagined it would turn out that the abandoned saxophone would be the best of all time, hehe

The luthier really did a great job on the sax to bring it to the shape you have it

Weldone man
I wish you many successes in your music career


Thank you brother for your words greetings from Venezuela
