El Miedo a hablar en público [Esp-Eng] Fear of public speaking


Hola mis amigos, “la vida de una madre es tan diversa que nos convertimos en profesionales de todo tipo, en aras llevar buenas enseñanzas a nuestros hijos”
Mi hijo mayor José Ángel está cursando el 1er grado de educación básica y bueno está en la etapa en que las exposiciones son parte de su desenvolvimiento en público, la maestra en una de las últimas actividades le pide que debe hacer una exposición sobre el Sentido de la vista. José Ángel de inmediato se le activo el chip del “yo no puedo, me da pena”. Yo no lo culpo, yo a su edad era muy reservada y todo me daba pena, vivíamos en el campo y no acostumbrábamos a relacionarnos con mucha gente y bueno José Ángel me trajo a mi mente los recuerdos cuando estaba en la escuela y me dijeron que tenía que cantar una canción, me sucedió lo mismo, pase dos semanas enteras practicando sola con el profesor, no me gustaba practicar delante de nadie más, y sin imaginarme que tenía que presentar la canción delante de cientos de personas, una vez logre cantar y atreverme a pararme delante de tanta gente sentí que algo en mí se había ido. El miedo escénico sencillamente ahora le saco la lengua, he aprendido mucho para poder lograr dirigir alguna charla o dirigir evento en público. Y bien ahora me toco incentivar a José Ángel a poder hablar en público logre hacer varias cosas para que el tuviera un poco de confianza en si mismo para que en el momento de la exposición no se trabara:

  1. Facilitarle un contenido fácil de leer y lenguaje apropiado.
  2. Leerlo en voz alta en varias oportunidades.
  3. Ver que retuvo en su memoria dejando la libertad de explicar un poco.
  4. Evaluar juntos lo que él dice, y si los niños entenderán el mensaje.
  5. Liberarse de la timidez intentando hacer preguntas o decir algo chistoso.
  6. Hacerle creer en todo momento que el sí puede hacerlo.
  7. Hacer un video en una de sus prácticas y que el mismo vea en que podría estar fallando.
    Bueno mis amigos y se llegó el día, José Ángel me pidió que estuviera presente, yo me emocione un poco, primera vez que se enfrentaba a tantas personas, pero me llenaba de satisfacción la aptitud que él asumió, se sentía tan preparado.


La maestra lo llama el frente y el con su laminita en las manos dijo su exposición, como si no hubiera nadie a su alrededor, como si fuera otra de las practicas que hacíamos en casa. Yo estaba un poco nostálgica lo abrace y lo felicite diciéndole al oído que estaba orgullosa de él.

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Sé que esta experiencia es el camino a muchas cosas que le faltan por lograr, espero que pueda superar todos sus miedos y adversidades. Debemos recordar que aprender a hablar en público o tener una buena oratoria es tan importante hoy en día, ya que cualquier trabajo, carrera o profesión que elijamos tiene como base la comunicación, expresarnos, compartir ideas entre otros.
Como padres tenemos la principal responsabilidad de llevar a nuestros hijos por un camino lleno de oportunidades y enseñanzas que les ayudará a ser mejores personas en el futuro.
Bueno mis amigos, espero que estén bien hasta pronto.


Hello my friends, "the life of a mother is so diverse that we become professionals of all kinds, in order to bring good teachings to our children".
My oldest son Jose Angel is in the 1st grade of elementary school and he is at the stage where the exhibitions are part of his public performance, the teacher in one of the last activities asks him to make an exhibition on the Sense of sight. José Ángel immediately activated the "I can't, I'm embarrassed" chip. I do not blame him, at his age I was very reserved and everything made me feel ashamed, we lived in the countryside and we were not used to interact with many people and well José Ángel brought to my mind the memories when I was in school and they told me I had to sing a song, the same thing happened to me, I spent two whole weeks practicing alone with the teacher, I did not like practicing in front of anyone else, and without imagining that I had to present the song in front of hundreds of people, once I managed to sing and dare to stand in front of so many people I felt that something in me was gone. I have learned a lot in order to be able to lead a talk or an event in public. And now I have to encourage José Ángel to be able to speak in public. I managed to do several things so that he would have a little confidence in himself so that he would not get stuck at the moment of the exposition:

  1. Provide him with an easy to read content and appropriate language.
  2. Read it aloud several times.
  3. See what he retained in his memory, leaving him free to explain a little.
  4. Evaluate together what he says, and whether the children will understand the message.
  5. Get rid of shyness by trying to ask questions or say something funny.
  6. Make him believe at all times that he can do it.
  7. Make a video in one of his practices and let him see where he could be failing.
    Well my friends and the day came, Jose Angel asked me to be present, I got a little excited, first time he was facing so many people, but I was very satisfied with the attitude he assumed, he felt so prepared.


The teacher called him to the front and he with his laminate in his hands said his exposition, as if there was no one around him, as if it was another of the practices we did at home. I was a little nostalgic, I hugged him and congratulated him, telling him in his ear that I was proud of him.

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I know that this experience is the way to many things that he has yet to achieve, I hope he can overcome all his fears and adversities. We must remember that learning to speak in public or having good public speaking skills is so important nowadays, since any job, career or profession we choose is based on communication, expressing ourselves, sharing ideas among others.
As parents we have the main responsibility to take our children through a path full of opportunities and teachings that will help them to be better people in the future.
Well my friends, I hope you are well, see you soon.


Encouragement is one of the important keys to make a child build confidence. I am glad you train and encouraged him to conquer his fear which is facing the crowd. He must be thankful to you for doing so. You're a nice mom, indeed.


Thank you friend for reading my post and leaving me a nice message. Greetings to you.
