Inolvidables – Tres canciones, tres bandas. || Unforgettable - Three songs, three bands (part IV)



Hola amigos || Hello friends

Es un enorme placer volvernos a encontrarnos por aquí, un espacio que he tratado de crear para todos los gustos y así poder compartir mucho más con ustedes. Esta es la cuarta edición por así decirlo de esta pequeña reseña donde hablamos un poco de tres bandas, su canción más exitosa y su trayectoria. Canciones que quedaron marcadas en la música como leyendas. El rock sin duda que ha tenido una importancia monumental en los últimos 80 años siendo la corriente y el movimiento más importante al principio del siglo XX y lo seguirá siendo por mucho más.

It is a great pleasure to meet again here, a space that I have tried to create for all tastes and thus be able to share much more with you. This is the fourth edition so to speak of this little review where we talk a little about three bands, their most successful song and their trajectory. Songs that were marked in music as legends. Rock has undoubtedly had a monumental importance in the last 80 years being the most important current and movement at the beginning of the twentieth century and will continue to be for much more.


El rock es más que un género, es un estilo de vida. Creo que esta es una frase bastante conocida y vieja. Este género musical brota de una gran población como válvula de escape de los problemas políticos y sociales que se encontraban en los 60s estilo que ha ido aumentando su popularidad a lo largo de los años. Bandas que han hecho posible que este género musical perdure en el tiempo. Podría decir fácilmente que me hubiera encantado nacer en esa época dorada del rock.

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Rock is more than a genre, it's a lifestyle. I think this is a pretty well known and old phrase. This musical genre springs from a large population as an escape valve from the political and social problems that were found in the 60s style that has been increasing its popularity over the years. Bands that have made it possible for this musical genre to endure over time. I could easily say that I would have loved to be born in that golden age of rock.


Empecemos este corto recorrido por la historia del rock en Liverpool por allá por 1960 cuando cuatro amigos, inician un proyecto para convertir su sueño en realidad

Let's start this short journey through the history of rock in Liverpool back in 1960 when four friends started a project to turn their dream into reality.


Creo que sin pensarlo dos veces esta es una de las canciones más icónica del rock. La manera en cómo fue creada, imaginada, fue increíble. Esta canción fue escrita por el mismo Paul McCartney y cuenta la historia que fue en su auto mientras notaba la tristeza del hijo John Lennon (Julian) tras la separación de sus padres. Era un mensaje de esperanza para el niño, que recordara que estaba vivo, que sus padres aún estaban con él, que la vida no acababa. Aun sabiendo su tristeza, le dijo de forma alentadora: ¨Vamos hombre, sé que no estas contento, pero estarás bien¨ Esta canción es sin duda uno de los temas más emblemático de The Beatles y como no recordar esta icónica canción…

I think without a second thought this is one of the most iconic songs in rock. The way it was created, imagined, was incredible. This song was written by Paul McCartney himself and tells the story that he was in his car as he noticed the sadness of his son John Lennon (Julian) after the separation of his parents. It was a message of hope for the boy, to remember that he was alive, that his parents were still with him, that life was not over. Even knowing his sadness, he told him in an encouraging way: ¨Come on man, I know you're not happy, but you'll be fine¨ This song is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic songs of The Beatles and how not to remember this iconic song...

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Estos jóvenes estudiantes que soñaban con ser estrellas del rock lograron crear una banda que cambio la cultura del rock en los 60 siendo los interpretes de una nueva generación, una banda de revoluciono el mundo musical. Un nombre que quedará grabado y recordado como leyenda.

These young students who dreamed of being rock stars managed to create a band that changed the rock culture in the 60's being the interpreters of a new generation, a band that revolutionized the musical world. A name that will remain engraved and remembered as a legend.


Y no, no se sienten porque los himnos del rock siguen sonando. Este que recordaremos ahora es otro que llegó a todo el planeta convirtiéndose en un clásico inmediato. Esta banda sueca se formó en 1972 entonando canciones de los mismo The Beatles en una plaza de Francia. Esta canción que recordaremos también tiene un significado muy importante para la música, para el rock, para el mundo. La gran cantidad de dinero que produjo este hit del cuarteto Abba fue donado por los mismos autores a la UNICEF logrando que unos miles de niños en África no murieran de hambre. Hablo de Chiquitita, el gran éxito de esta banda sueca. Esta canción, esta obra de arte recorrió todo el planeta y todavía hoy, sigue siendo escuchando tanto o más que ayer.

And no, they don't sit down because the rock anthems are still playing. This one that we will remember now is another one that reached the whole planet becoming an immediate classic. This Swedish band was formed in 1972 singing songs of The Beatles in a square in France. This song that we will remember also has a very important meaning for music, for rock, for the world. The great amount of money that produced this hit of the quartet Abba was donated by the same authors to UNICEF, so that thousands of children in Africa did not die of hunger. I am talking about Chiquitita, the great hit of this Swedish band. This song, this work of art toured the entire planet and even today, it is still listened to as much or more than yesterday.

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Abba fue una banda importante en la expansión del europop abriéndole oportunidades a otros artistas europeos que se desempeñaban en el momento. Pero la fama de Abba fue tanta, que es una de las razones apartando su música, lo que lo llevo hacer parte de la historia del rock.

Abba was an important band in the expansion of Europop, opening opportunities for other European artists who were performing at the time. But Abba's fame was so great, that it is one of the reasons setting aside their music, which led them to become part of rock history.


A lo largo de la historia el rock ha evolucionando y como dije anteriormente, manteniendo sus raíces. A principios de los 90s la nueva juventud tenia mucho para elegir, pero aún así, el rock seguía llenando estadios y escenarios importantes en el ámbito musical.

Throughout history, rock has evolved and, as I said before, kept its roots. In the early 90s the new youth had a lot to choose from, but even so, rock was still filling stadiums and important stages in the music scene.


Ahora hablaremos de otra banda que coloco su nombre en el salón de la fama del rock, Metallica. Una de las bandas más innovadoras e influyente de la historia. Con unos riffs cortantes, una acelerada percusión y una soberbia ejecución vocal, llevo a esta banda hacer considerada los reyes del thrash metal consiguiendo una gran legión de seguidores. Esta banda norteamericana ha conseguido innumerables premios por su música, por su trabajo. Una anécdota personal fue que la primera vez que escuché esta banda, fue una casete y si no mal recuerdo, creo que era su primera producción. Era algo que, para la época, sin duda era innovador todo lo que estaban haciendo. Si hay canciones que se convierten en himnos, creo que hay bandas que se convierten en banderas, en un símbolo importante de la historia y creo que Matallica tiene y se ha ganado ese derecho. Se me ha hecho difícil seleccionar la canción para recordar, son muchas y todas clásicos del rock. Así que espero no se molesten por la selección tomada

Now we will talk about another band that put their name in the rock hall of fame, Metallica. One of the most innovative and influential bands in history. With cutting riffs, accelerated percussion and a superb vocal performance, led this band to be considered the kings of thrash metal getting a large legion of followers. This American band has won countless awards for their music, for their work. A personal anecdote was that the first time I listened to this band, it was a cassette and if I remember correctly, I think it was their first production. It was something that, for the time, was undoubtedly innovative in everything they were doing. If there are songs that become anthems, I think there are bands that become flags, an important symbol of history and I think Matallica has and has earned that right. It has been difficult for me to select the song to remember, there are many and all rock classics. So I hope you don't mind the selection taken.

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Disfruté mucho recordar estas bandas y estas canciones con ustedes. Espero también hayan disfrutado de este pequeño paseo por el pasado musical que nos arropa. Y aquí vuelvo a colgar esa frase que refleja mucho los sentimientos que encontramos porque sencillamente recordar, es vivir.

I really enjoyed remembering these bands and songs with you. I hope you also enjoyed this little walk through the musical past that surrounds us. And here I hang again that phrase that reflects a lot the feelings that we find because simply to remember,
is to live.


A bordo de la nave
me despido, mi querida familia.



Watch out for the human traffickers here. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. ..... if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.
