Buying today against tomorrow's income will incur interest: Don't do it!


While some financial experts might discourage people from buying things they don't need today because they'll end up paying more at the store tomorrow, money can be used in a lot of different ways if we spend it well. It's often better to buy things that you need eventually to make sure that you're getting your money's worth.
We've all felt the pain of having to use our credit cards when there's just not enough cash on hand. This purchase has a cost with interest, so some might tell their children not to purchase something today if they have a solid plan for what they will purchase in the future.

To put it simply, sometimes expensive purchases could turn out to be less costly when made later on!

Should you hold off from buying something today due to lack of cash and purchase it later on, when you may actually save more money by not paying interest fees? Yes, you should.

Let the money work for you by saving and investing it in a rewarding future. Doubling your savings rate can save you years of retirement. Even if you are saving a little, it might make more sense to increase the amount you save in order to get more out of the next dollar.

The "spending today" mentality is a necessary component of such a wealth-destroying game. When you are struggling, you might be tempted to spend to feel better and relieve the pressure that your debt is causing.

However, you will never be able to break free from the cycle until you start valuing what you have now over what will likely come in the future. If we continue to spend today and therefore do not plan for the future, we will never be able to accumulate enough.

This is because it is difficult to predict what the future holds, so if we want something now and we think that it will make us happy, we would end up spending more money than what it would take to pay off our debt.

Many startups reward their customers for their patronage now and let them work on later payments possibly as cash-in or with a credit card interest rate that varies by timeframe.

Some apps take in millions of dollars in transactions per day so long as you, the customer, agree to a small rate premium originate fees.

The companies use innovative methods to capture previously spent income through incentivization programs like voucher systems or bank funding processes while they are still profitable and it still allows them to generate larger revenue on other fronts involving more traditional forms of financing.

Debt is a significant problem that many people face today. This indicates that people spend what they don't have, but there are instances where these people suffered because they did not anticipate how much interest their payment would incur. When debt becomes too much to handle, people start spending more money than they make, which causes an increase in their debt instead of decreasing it. So, run away from this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is very interesting to read.
This is the kind of scheme those shark loan company use to pull in their customers, and when they can't pay up, they would advice them to take another loan with collateral like their home or other things that huge.

Ignorance of little facts like this can cause one a lot in the future


Yes I know. I have been there. Hive saved me 🥺

Thanks for stopping by. ❣️
