Why 'playing it safe' with your money is actually risky


We often think of risk in terms of the potential for a loss. But there are other types of risk that we should consider, such as the risk of not taking action, or the risk of doing nothing.
It is always good to be cautious and conservative with your money. But this is not always the best strategy. It might be safer to take risks and invest in a business that has the potential for success, even if it means losing out on a few bucks.

Playing it safe with your money can be risky because you may not get the opportunity to invest in a business that has the potential for success in the future. You might also miss out on opportunities that are available now but you won't have access to them later on. In this article, we will discuss why playing it safe with your money is risky for you and your financial future.

These days people live longer and so could you

If you play it safe with your money, you are forgetting that you may live a long time but that you are also more likely to be in financial trouble. Therefore, consider the fact that there is a risk of living too long, and not having enough money to last out your life. Which could lead to poverty and having nothing left for yourself and your loved ones when you die.

Low-interest account keeps you poor

It is easy to keep your money in a low-interest account but the rate of return is low. However, by keeping your money in a low-interest account, you are taking a risk.

In the past, people would keep their money in high-interest accounts even though they could afford to lose it. Nowadays, people are so careful with their money that they don't even want to risk losing it and so they end up not making any investments at all.

A low-interest account is a trap that keeps you poor and in the dark. You are not getting the full amount of interest and you are losing money on an everyday basis.

In a low-interest account, you earn less than 1% on your savings. And if you want to withdraw your money for spending, it will cost you 2% of the total amount. So when do we decide to take some risks?

Trying to keep your money in a low-interest account is disastrous even though you are trying to feel safe and secure.

The days of pension are over

In recent times, the trend of people receiving their pension has been declining, even though you contribute to your 401(k), you could be contributing less than you should.
To take control of your financial future, you should invest in a portfolio with growth potential. This can be achieved by investing in stocks and bonds that have a higher risk factor.

The days of pension are over and it's left for you to take control of your financial future by investing in a portfolio with growth potential instead.

Choose risks today for a better financial future

To have a future filled with wealth and happiness, you need to take risks. Staying safe is not always the key to financial success.
A lot of people are afraid to take risks with their money. They feel that taking risks will lead to them losing everything and going bankrupt. However, the truth is that it is risky to play it safe with your money and not take risks.

There are many different ways you can lose your money, but the best way to avoid losing everything is by following some simple rules for playing it safe with your money:

• Only invest in things that you understand well

• Don't rely on short-term gains

• Avoid investing in high-risk investments without conducting proper research


It is not a good idea to play it safe with your money, because you never know what's on the horizon. Risks associated with playing it safe, including losing out on opportunities as a result of a lack of risk-taking and not being able to grow your wealth over time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Much true....this is just a plain true laid out for everyone to know....being conversative is beautiful but also deadly because at the long run hands might get in their for some unforseen circumstances. Investing in what you know thoroughly can help you a lot because you have a clear understanding of how it works.


Investing is the way to build our wealth and slowing move into financial freedom. Hoarding our money in the name of being safe isn't an healthy financial lifestyle. Thanks for reading.


This is good advice. People say you must spend money to gain money. Investments can be tricky but what's even worse is not doing anything at all. Came in through Dreemport


Yes, what's worse is not doing anything. Although investing can be tricky, we can learn, by taking one step at a time. Rome wasn't built in a day, remember.. Thanks for reading @deraaa
