How to act in a process of integration into a particular social environment?


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Integration with others is what leads us to live a life within the standards that are considered normal, out of this integration we end up becoming for society as intolerant beings, all this leads us to consider the inability we may have to interrelate with our environment.

It is under this circumstance in which emotional approval is essential, that is to admit that something in our emotions is not right, when we admit some kind of lack of control we are also admitting that there may be an associated work that we can apply to regulate our emotions in order to be able to integrate optimally to our social environment.

It is important not to ignore completely that desire in us to act emotionally having a refusal to integrate ourselves to our closest environment, since our anatomical mechanism generates mechanisms that create defenses to situations in which we believe we can get hurt emotionally, it would be best to attack first hand the desire to exclude ourselves to such a situation and in this way we will work to overcome the associated fears and finally be able to integrate ourselves without feeling fear of social integration.

Patience is an essential part in this process, since the adaptation to the social environment is fundamental to be able to integrate, since the integration can hardly be given in a total and absolute way, but as we are adapting in that same way will be the integration. If we assume this as a partial process, then we will be able to assume it with patience and in this way we will not lose heart in the process of social integration to the environment we want to enter.
