What does Spirituality actually mean to me


This is my candid opinion to the ecoTrain QOTW: What Does Spirituality Mean to You? and my first post in the #ecotrain community. Often times I have been very skeptical about this subject of discussion but today i have no option than to share my thought on the subject of the week, what spirituality means to me, i have to personalize it because i want to share my own experience.


Talking about the subject of spirits or spirituality without a fruitful understanding of its component will not be a successful journey, so I will love to share a few thought about it component as it first relate with humanity.

I know that many will disagree with me that man is a being that operate in three dimensions, Man has a spirit and soul that is being housed in a body, with this components man can also operate in other dimensions that is beyond the physical. the spirits is invisible or non-physical dimension of a man that interrelate between humanity and divinity. The soul is were you have the intellect, Emotions and the will. if at anytime any of the dimensions is removed from man, the possibility of that man to operate in his full capacity is zero.

The word spirituality is gotten from the word spirit, before attempting to answer the the question of the week. I want to say that spirit is the Imaginary person, while spirituality is the dealings that is captured about the imagination, meaning the actual life of the spirits which could be engaged or regulated by a body of practices or principles, know as faith or beliefs.

Spirituality for me, is a well principled path that a man chooses to journey through in an attempt to gain access to the supreme being or to connect with a supernatural sources of life in a way to gain satisfaction, comfort, or live life to the full. many so far have lived in confusion, having seen and heard that there is more to life than we have seen, felt and known. I will also want to add that spirituality is the only way to gain knowledge about the realms that are far beyond the natural.

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.

Spirituality is the broad concept of a belief in something beyond the self. It may involve religious traditions centering on the belief in a higher power, but it can also involve a holistic belief in an individual connection to others and to the world as a whole.

I happen to be born into a religious home, i practically grew up in the mist of those rigid practices and principles but even at that, i grew up still confused, because i had many experiences that that lacked human explanation, I knew that there was something more than i was told but then i could not still know how to go about it. I wallowed in that confusion for a very long time, I can remember many times i would feel the presence of personalities around me, i had understanding of what they were saying but i did not know who they were or from were they came from. I also can recall many times when i will perceive, something that was about to happen, and before i will say jack, it has happened, This went on and on again until i met with someone who has grown in knowledge of spiritual matters, who told me what to do and the dynamics of it operations.

At this point it is important to note that, everyone on the planet earth, will never expresses or experiences my own way, this could be dependent on your area of interest and the level of knowledge at your disposal. some will do it traditionally, while some will prefer in a religious way, in church of temples, while some will be okay while enjoying nature.


There are obvious reasons why many will opt to spirituality. - - - To defined Purpose: like in my case it was as a result of many unanswered questions and uncertainty of purpose, but as i explore, i began to have answers to questions, about my purpose for being here on the earth.

  • To help you gain comfort and satisfaction: Normally, copping with the feeling of stress and anxiety is a very difficult task for a normal human, especially in moments of depressions.

  • To build optimism and restore hope: this will play major rule in developing joy and excitement in the face of challenges, building the staying power.

  • To secure knowledge about Spiritual intelligence: this is very important, just as we do have physical sense, there are also spiritual senses that helps you to put together or regulates activities in the unseen world to make it find expression in this physical world.

I want to conclude with this, i have discovered that life itself is spiritual, as such every thing about life that we can see has a spiritual dimension that must be engaged, so without the intelligences of the spirit, Man will not be able to effectively regulate his physical activities, so what ever you are doing to reconnect to the spiritual path, will or may help you add value to your well-being.

Your Spiritual experience, and everyone’s spiritual path will definitely be unique, so never think that we must all go through the same path, like i always say to people and i will say it again, stick to your path, if your path is yielding the dimension of result that you so desire.

Thanks for having me @ekotmordemy, thanks for your comment and support, i don't take any of this for granted, thanks
