Esp/Eng Battle climbing Midnight Shadow/Batalla subiendo a Midnight Shadow


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Bienvenidos a una nueva batalla bastante interesante con el dios de la guerra, como puedes ver en el video, fue realmente genial al principio parecía que me iba a ganar pero realmente me salieron muy buenas cartas y logre ganar la batalla.
Welcome to a very interesting new battle with the god of war, as you can see in the video, it was great at first it seemed that I was going to win but I got very good cards and I managed to win the battle.

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Estoy bastante contento y cómodo jugando con este mazo, creo que encontré un buen equilibrio con el mana y logre ganar varias batallas de hecho las que perdí en este evento de fin de semana fueron probando otros mazos, por aquí le dejo mi mazo de guerra por si les interesa, realmente está bastante bueno y son cartas que gana batallas y que son realmente económicas.
I am quite happy and comfortable playing with this deck, I think I found a good balance with mana and managed to win several battles the ones I lost in this weekend event were trying other decks, here I leave my war deck for if you are interested, it is quite good and they are cards that win battles and are cheap.


Con este mazo logre llegar a Midnight Shadow, para mí es un gran logro, tengo poco tiempo jugando pero ya estoy un poco más cerca de llegar a Mythic tengo como reto personal llegar jugando Free to Play solo reinvirtiendo de mis ganancias en el juego, un reto que veo cada vez más posible, lo fascinante de este juego es que vale más saber jugar que el dinero que le puedas invertir, quizás así sea un poco más lento pero con esfuerzo sé que se puede lograr. Eso sí siempre hay que reinvertir las ganancias.
With this deck I managed to reach Midnight Shadow, for me, it is a great achievement, I have only been playing for a short time but I am a little closer to reaching Mythic. I have as a personal challenge to get there playing Free to Play only reinvesting my earnings in the game, a challenge that I see more and more possible, the fascinating thing about this game is that knowing how to play is worth more than the money you can invest in it, maybe it will be a little slower but with the effort I know it can be achieved. Of course, you always have to reinvest the profits.


Por aquí les dejo las cartas que me salieron en el evento anterior y las que gane subiendo de nivel realmente en esta ocasión me tocara buenas cartas un par de legendarias, estoy tratando de armar otro maza bueno poco a poco.
Here I leave the cards that I got in the previous event and the ones I won by leveling up, this time I really got a couple of legendary cards, I'm trying to put together another good club little by little.

mejor pack.jpg

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Hive: @elfino28

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Moving on up! Very nice!

As you improve, you'll begin to understand the importance of running 2x of as many cards as possible. It will greatly increase the consistency of your deck (your mulligan in particular). For instance, instead of running Enduring Shield and Ramshackle Hatchet, I'd definitely run 2x Enduring Shield. Instead of 1 Warlock and 1 Bladecaster, definitely run 2 bladecasters. Etc. Identify the better card and run 2x of it.


you are right it is better to secure the best cards x2 and make those changes to the deck right away thanks for the advice
