Esp/Eng Battles with the War deck

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Saludos comunidad por acá les traigo un par de batallas que realice el día de hoy retomando mi Mazo de guerra casi no he tenido tiempo de jugar por eso no he modificado mis cartas, estoy un poco atrasado con lo que son las publicaciones por aquí pero ya estoy retomando nuevamente, ahora tengo el tiempo para continuar jugando y traerles más contenido este Mazo que tengo actualmente de guerra ya lo había traído anteriormente no lo ve modificado está muy bueno para jugar a niveles intermedios porque al subir de nivel la verdad es que no encontrado la forma de actualizar estás cartas posiblemente incorpore a Commander Pyros en este mazo a ver si me va mejor para pasar a Solar Gold.
Greetings community, here I bring you a couple of battles that I did today, resuming my War Deck, I hardly had time to play, that's why I haven't modified my cards, I'm a little behind with what the publications here are, but now I am picking up again, now I have the time to continue playing and bring you more content. I have this deck that I currently have from during the war, I had already brought it before, and it does not see it modified, it is very good to play at intermediate levels because when I level up, the truth is that I have not found it. The way to update these cards is possible to incorporate Commander Pyros in this deck to see if it works better for me to go to Solar Gold.


creo que hubo un pequeño aumento en la habilidad de la carta Wolf Recruits, esta carta anteriormente recuerdo que la utilizaba y solamente aumentaba las estadísticas de las cartas que van saliendo, pero actualmente note que también aumenta las estadísticas de las cartas de tribu Olimpian qué tenemos en nuestra mano, es un gran punto a favor de esta carta, ahora me gusta más y trataré de mejorar este Mazo lo antes posible para continuar avanzando de liga.
I think there was a small increase in the ability of the Wolf Recruits card, this card previously I remember that I used it and it only increased the statistics of the cards that come out, but currently, I notice that it also increases the statistics of the Olimpian tribe cards what we have in our hand, it is a great point in favor of this card, now I like it better and I will try to improve this Deck as soon as possible to continue advancing in the league.


Gracias por ver mi contenido espero haya sido de su agrado solo quería compartirles esta batalla y anunciarles que ya Vuelvo a estar de vuelta por acá nuevamente.
Thank you for viewing my content, I hope you liked it, I just wanted to share this battle with you and announce that I am back here again.


I hardly had time to play, that's why I haven't modified my cards, I'm a little behind with what the publications here are,

I feel you man. I've been busy too and going to be even more busy next week. Not sure if I can keep up with my weekly posts on GU let alone my daily posts

Your deck is alright though but ya if you upgrade a bit, it definitely could take you to solar gold


I like "Wolf Recruits", it gives a lot of momentum to the "olympians".
I also like "Flame-Touched Paladin", to restore health from a friendly creature or attack. "Tartessian Minotaur" looks good, good boost and overkill.👍👍👍
