Hive Music Festival Semana 10 Ronda 3 - Cover No Renunciaré by @elinorrg


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Welcome to my Post


Un cordial saludos a toda la comunidad presente y que disfruten bonito este día como todos al lado de su familia.

Kind regards to the entire community present and may you enjoy this day as well as everyone with your family.

Me complace en esta oportunidad de poder participar nuevamente en este evento musical "Hive Music Festival" week 10 ronda 3. ", . Se agradece a todo el equipo que conforma este festival para que se hiciera posible tal evento. En esta oportunidad les voy a interpretar "No renunciare" un tema de Juan Pablo Rey. Es un tema que de verdad es implecable en el sentido del amor que no se quiere dejar.

I am pleased at this opportunity to be able to participate again in this musical event "Hive Music Festival" week 10 round 3. "We are grateful to all the team that make up this festival for making such an event possible. This time I am going to interpret ** "I will not resign" ** a theme by Juan Pablo Rey.It is a subject that is truly implacable in the sense of love that you do not want to leave.

Agradeciendo a toda la familia de #hive por todo el apoyo que nos dan con la música. Gracias #hive.

Thanking the whole #hive family for all the support they give us with music. Thanks #hive.

Espero les guste mi interpretación

I hope you like my interpretation

No Renunciaré

(Autor y compositor:
J. Ruiz Venegas)


No renunciaré
A esa flor que tu me das cada mañana
A vivir constantemente enamorada
A soñar juntos los dos de madrugada

No renunciaré
A la luz que tu me das si estoy a oscuras
A saber que esto es amor y no aventura
A encontrar limpio el camino de la duda

No renunciaré
Ni a tus ojos, ni a tus brazos ni a tu boca
Ni a tu risa, ni a tu loco proceder
Ni a tus besos con los que me vuelvo loca
Ni a la fuerza con que tu me haces querer

No renunciaré
Ni a tus ojos, ni a tus brazos ni a tu boca
Ni a tu risa, ni a tu loco proceder
Ni a tus besos con los que me vuelvo loca
Ni a la fuerza con que tu me haces querer

I will not give up

(Autor y compositor:
J. Ruiz Venegas)

I will not give up
To that flower that you give me every morning
To live constantly in love
To dream together the two of us at dawn

I will not give up
In the light that you give me if I'm in the dark
To know that this is love and not adventure
To find the path of doubt clean

I will not give up
Not in your eyes, not in your arms, not in your mouth
Neither your laughter nor your crazy behavior
Not even your kisses with which I go crazy
Nor by the force with which you make me love

I will not give up
Not in your eyes, not in your arms, not in your mouth
Neither your laughter nor your crazy behavior
Not even your kisses with which I go crazy
Nor by the force with which you make me love


El vídeo fue tomado con Cámara Alcatel_5008R

The video was taken with Alcatel_5008R Camera

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