Amelia : Emociones Después del Divorcio // Amelia : Emotions After Divorce


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Hay Historias con las cuales te puedes identificar porque describen como te sientes, hasta te pueden hacer llorar, muchas veces me ha pasado que leyendo una historia me veo algún personaje, miro en el una parte de mi que me describe perfectamente.

Es como si el escritor te conociera, como si supiera lo que sufres, la soledad que sientes y te lleva a un personaje que tiene algo de ti.

Hoy quiero regalarte una historia, que contiene extractos de la vida de una amiga, espero sea de tu agrado, en ella te muestro el flujo de emociones que ella me describió cuando paso por su Divorcio.


Imagen en pixabay de alanajordan

Amelia 🍁

Había llegado la primavera, la época del año mas esperada por la joven Amelia que se preparaba para subir al altar, un dia que había soñado tantas veces, ella estaba enamorada, le había entregado su corazón y confianza a un joven.

Muchos miembros de su familia no estaban contentos con la boda, en especial la madre de Amelia, que pensaba que era muy pronto para hacer una boda.

La joven se sentía feliz, ella estaba convencida que el muchacho era el esposo perfecto para ella, aquel dia Amelia se caso anhelando ser feliz al lado de su esposo, sin embargo con el tiempo los recuerdos de ese dia serian puñales que herirían su corazón.

Ella había planificado su futuro junto a su esposo, ambos habían comprado una casa espaciosa, todo parecía ser tan solido entre ellos, que muchas de las amigas de Amelia le tenían envidia.


Todo parecía ir bien entre ellos durante los primeros 7 años de matrimonio, justo cuando su esposo consiguió un mejor trabajo que le exigía pasar días lejos de casa todo cambio.

Amelia dejo su trabajo para ir a casa a cuidar a su pequeña Sofia, que apenas tenia tres años, era lo mejor, no había la necesidad que ambos trabajaran, el empleo del esposo cubría todos los gastos.


Imagen en pixabay de alanajordan

No había problemas financieros, Amelia tenia suficiente tiempo para estar con su hija, la relación con su esposo empezó en decadencia, el primer tiempo llegaba a casa contento, luego empezó a molestarse por todo, estaba siempre haciendo cosas del trabajo en casa y ya no hablaba con Amelia, no tenia tiempo para estar con su familia.

Las peleas fueron constantes entre ambos, Amelia sufría en silencio, nadie de su circulo de amigos sabia lo que estaba pasando porque delante de todos ambos fingían ser una pareja feliz, la realidad era que estaban distantes.

La joven Amelia empezó a buscar respuestas a la conducta de su esposo, mas no encontró respuestas a sus sospechas cerca de ellos, trataba de hacer todo para que las cosas mejoraran entre ambos porque amaba a su esposo, no quería perderlo, estaba aferrada con todas sus fuerzas a el.

El matrimonio duro diez años, tres de ellos entre gritos y peleas, entre lagrimas y silencios, entre risas y Amor.


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La Carta de Despedida🍁

Una mañana Amelia encontró una carta encima de su mesa del comedor, sobre ella estaba el anillo de matrimonio de su esposo, aquel dia se había marchado lejos con otra Muchacha, para el dolor de Amelia su media hermana Martina.

El mundo de Amelia se vino a abajo al leer aquella carta, líneas tras líneas explicaban la razón de su esposo de su indiferencia, Amelia quedo pasmada, aquel momento parecía mentira, en el fondo pensó que su esposo volvería a casa.

Aquellos días después de leer la carta Amelia se sintió destrozada, molesta, traicionada, lo que mas le dolía era que no podía hablar con su esposo para escuchar de sus labios sus razones, Odiaba a Martina, en su interior sentía un vacío, un dolor punzante en su corazón que no la dejaba dormir.

Fue mas duro cuando todos se enteraron de su separación, la traición de su media hermana, las murmuraciones la herían, no podía hablar con nadie sobre como se sentía, decidiendo guardar silencio ante la familia y llorar a gritos en su cuarto luego que Sofia su pequeña hija se dormía.

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Emociones Después del divorcio🍁


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Aquellos días fueron fuertes para Amelia, nada se soluciono entre ambos, al poco tiempo llego el acta de divorcio, entonces comenzó un proceso en la vida de ella que duro años, fueron diez años de su vida al lado de la persona que amaba.

Lo primero que hizo Amelia luego del divorcio fue vender aquella espaciosa casa, en todos lados había recuerdos de su matrimonio, bellas fotos que ya no quería mirar, las fotografías su matrimonio confinadas a estar en un baúl en el olvido.

La soledad era inmensa, sentía mucho dolor, tristeza, enojo, no imaginaba su vida al lado de nadie mas, quiso alejarse de todos los recuerdos, de todas aquellas personas que le nombraran a quien había sido su esposo.

Quería alejarse del circulo de amigos que ambos compartían, por eso se mudo lejos a otra cuidad con su hija Sofia.

A veces soñaba con aquel hombre, se negaba a renunciar a el, entendía que ya no había nada que hacer, mas dentro de ella se negaba a aceptarlo.

Ver a su expareja luego del divorcio era duro, conversar con el era mas amargo, mas ella se esforzaba por llevar una buena relación por el bien de su hija Sofia.


Imagen en pixabay de akadarcee

Los Primeros años del divorcio fueron incomodos, tristes, llenos de lagrimas y muchos malos entendidos.

Las fechas importantes no ayudaban a Amelia, la primera primavera separada de su esposo la llevo a tomar mucho alcohol, tanto que perdió el conocimiento.

Por tres años Amelia lucho por aceptar el Divorcio y todas aquellas emociones que vinieron con el.

Una mañana decidió cambiar, darse una oportunidad de ser feliz, dejar de aferrarse al pasado, entonces las emociones que la herían poco a poco dejaron de aparecer tan seguido, ella quería sentirse viva , feliz nuevamente había dependido mucho de su antigua relación, era el momento de decirle Adiós al pasado.

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Amelia tenia motivos suficientes para seguir adelante, desfrutar su presente, su pequeña Sofia la necesitaba.

Ninguna separación es fácil de vivir, cuando están ligados tus sentimientos a otra persona, el divorcio es un duelo que necesita tiempo para aceptarse, nunca estas preparada emocionalmente para vivirlo, llega el tiempo en el cual tienes que desprenderte de ese pasado y darte una oportunidad en el presente de ser feliz.


Imagen en pixabay de akadarcee

El divorcio te deja heridas que necesitas sanar, emociones que debes aprender a manejar, aceptar, una de ella es la Soledad que aparece y desaparece.

El primer paso para Amelia fue Ser amable con ella misma, valorarse, hacer cosas que la llenaran de satisfacción, disfrutar cada dia de la compañía de su pequeña, conocer nuevos lugares de la cuidad donde vivía, aceptar invitación de sus amigas a pasarla bien.

Amelia puso su empeño en salir adelante, antes de empezar una nueva relación con otra persona tenia que restaurar la que había perdido con ella misma.

El hecho de pasar por un divorcio hizo que Amelia cambiara de estilo de Vida, algo que la hizo estar un poco desorientada al principio, una vez que tomo el rumbo de su vida, este nuevo estilo de vida se hizo agradable, diferente, nuevas rutinas aparecieron con ellas tambien mucho bienestar emocional.

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Después de una ruptura sentimental nuestras emociones se hacen presente, es normal sentirse triste, el apego emocional que desarrollamos hacia esa persona hace mas difícil la separación, muchas otras emociones forman parte del proceso entre ellas la ira, soledad, frustración, si la separación es causada por traiciones tambien el odio se hace presente.

El proceso que se experimenta es duro, hay que tener presente que reprimir las emociones no ayuda a la superación, la sanidad del alma, afectando el ritmo de nuestra vida de forma negativa.

Amelia se sintió destruida, el tiempo la ayudo a reconstruir su vida, aceptar sus emociones, tomar los aprendizajes de las experiencias vivida de forma positiva.

Gracias por leer este contenido🍁


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🍁Imagen de portada realizada por @elisaday7 en Canva, la imagen editada pertenece a DangrafArt

🍁Textos traducidos a través de DeepL versión gratis

🍁Separadores de textos personalizados por @elisaday7 en Canva

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There are stories with which you can identify because they describe how you feel, they can even make you cry, many times it has happened to me that reading a story I see a character, I see in him a part of me that describes me perfectly.

It is as if the writer knows you, as if he knows what you suffer, the loneliness you feel and takes you to a character that has something of you.

Today I want to give you a story, which contains excerpts from the life of a friend, I hope you like it, in it I show you the flow of emotions that she described to me when she went through her divorce.


Imagen en pixabay de alanajordan

Amelia 🍁

Spring had arrived, the time of the year most awaited by young Amelia who was preparing to walk up the aisle, a day she had dreamed of so many times, she was in love, she had given her heart and trust to a young man.

Many members of her family were not happy with the wedding, especially Amelia's mother, who thought it was too soon to have a wedding.

The young woman felt happy, she was convinced that the boy was the perfect husband for her, that day Amelia got married longing to be happy by her husband's side, however in time the memories of that day would be daggers that would wound her heart.

She had planned her future with her husband, both had bought a spacious house, everything seemed to be so solid between them, that many of Amelia's friends were envious.


Everything seemed to be going well between them for the first 7 years of their marriage, but when her husband got a better job that required him to spend days away from home, everything changed.

Amelia left her job to go home to take care of her little Sofia, who was only three years old, it was the best thing, there was no need for both of them to work, her husband's job covered all the expenses.


Imagen en pixabay de alanajordan

There were no financial problems, Amelia had enough time to be with her daughter, the relationship with her husband began to decline, the first time he came home happy, then he started to get upset about everything, he was always doing work things at home and no longer spoke to Amelia, he had no time to be with his family.

The fights were constant between the two, Amelia suffered in silence, no one in her circle of friends knew what was going on because in front of everyone they both pretended to be a happy couple, the reality was that they were distant.

The young Amelia began to look for answers to her husband's behavior, but she did not find answers to her suspicions near them, she tried to do everything to make things better between them because she loved her husband, she did not want to lose him, she was clinging with all her strength to him.

The marriage lasted ten years, three of them between screams and fights, between tears and silences, between laughter and love.


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The Farewell Letter🍁

One morning Amelia found a letter on her dining room table, on it was her husband's wedding ring, that day he had gone away with another girl, to Amelia's sorrow her half sister Martina.

Amelia's world fell apart when she read that letter, line after line explained her husband's reason for his indifference, Amelia was stunned, that moment seemed like a lie, deep down she thought her husband would come home.

Those days after reading the letter Amelia felt devastated, upset, betrayed, what hurt her most was that she could not talk to her husband to hear from his lips his reasons, she hated Martina, inside she felt an emptiness, a stabbing pain in her heart that did not let her sleep.

It was harder when everyone found out about her separation, the betrayal of her half sister, the gossip hurt her, she could not talk to anyone about how she felt, deciding to keep silent before the family and cry loudly in her room after Sofia, her little daughter, fell asleep.

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Emotions After Divorce🍁


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Those days were hard for Amelia, nothing was solved between them, soon after the divorce certificate arrived, then began a process in her life that lasted for years, ten years of her life next to the person she loved.

The first thing Amelia did after the divorce was to sell that spacious house, everywhere there were memories of her marriage, beautiful photos that she no longer wanted to look at, the photographs of her marriage confined to a forgotten trunk.

The loneliness was immense, she felt a lot of pain, sadness, anger, she could not imagine her life next to anyone else, she wanted to get away from all the memories, from all those people who named her husband.

She wanted to get away from the circle of friends they shared, that's why she moved far away to another city with her daughter Sofia.

Sometimes she dreamed of that man, she refused to give him up, she understood that there was nothing left to do, but inside her she refused to accept it.

Seeing her ex-partner after the divorce was hard, talking to him was more bitter, but she tried hard to have a good relationship for the sake of her daughter Sofia.


Imagen en pixabay de akadarcee

The first years of the divorce were uncomfortable, sad, full of tears and many misunderstandings.

Important dates did not help Amelia, the first spring separated from her husband led her to drink a lot of alcohol, so much so that she lost consciousness.

For three years Amelia struggled to accept the divorce and all the emotions that came with it.

One morning she decided to change, to give herself a chance to be happy, to stop clinging to the past, then the emotions that hurt her little by little stopped appearing so often, she wanted to feel alive, happy again, she had depended so much on her old relationship, it was time to say goodbye to the past.

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Amelia had enough reasons to move forward, to enjoy her present, her little Sofia needed her.

No separation is easy to live, when your feelings are linked to another person, divorce is a mourning that needs time to be accepted, you are never emotionally prepared to live it, the time comes when you have to let go of the past and give yourself a chance in the present to be happy.


Imagen en pixabay de akadarcee

Divorce leaves you with wounds that you need to heal, emotions that you must learn to manage, to accept, one of them is the Loneliness that appears and disappears.

The first step for Amelia was to be kind to herself, to value herself, to do things that filled her with satisfaction, to enjoy the company of her little girl every day, to get to know new places in the city where she lived, to accept invitations from her friends to have a good time.

Before starting a new relationship with another person, she had to restore the one she had lost with herself.

Going through a divorce made Amelia change her lifestyle, something that made her a little disoriented at the beginning, once she took the direction of her life, this new lifestyle became pleasant, different, new routines appeared with them also a lot of emotional well being.

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After a sentimental breakup our emotions are present, it is normal to feel sad, the emotional attachment that we develop towards that person makes the separation more difficult, many other emotions are part of the process including anger, loneliness, frustration, if the separation is caused by betrayal also hatred is present.

The process that is experienced is hard, we must keep in mind that repressing emotions does not help to overcome, the healing of the soul, affecting the rhythm of our life in a negative way.

Amelia felt destroyed, time helps her to rebuild her life, accept her emotions, take the lessons learned from the experiences lived in a positive way.

Thank you for reading this content🍁


Imagen en pixabay de anncapictures

🍁Cover image made by @elisaday7 on Canva, edited image belongs to DangrafArt.

🍁Texts translated via DeepL free version.

🍁Custom text separators by @elisaday7 on Canva.

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    Hola amiga @elisaday7 🌸

    Que historia tan conmovedora. Vi reflejadas en ella a personas que conozco y sé que han pasado por eso. Recuperarse lleva su tiempo y tanto la persona como los que están a su alrededor sufren. Muy bueno tu post amiga 😃

    Te quería indicar que la fuente de la imagen de portada y la imagen que le sigue no están correctamente copiadas. Es solo cuestión de editar y corregir 😉 Gracias amiga. Saludos 💟


    hola @purpleglitter me alegra saber que fue de tu agrado esta historia, gracias por tus correcciones y apoyo amiga, bendiciones para tu vida 🤗🌼


    Lindas historia amiga @elisaday7, una historia que vive la mayoría de los matrimonios. Estos emociones gracias a Dios y a la voluntad de Amelia pudo salir adelante. Me toco el corazón.


    muchas gracias @nubra11 por leer esta historia, me alegra que sea de tu agrado, feliz dia


    I agree that it is never easy to deal with divorce, it is the most painful experience for anyone to deal with especially when you still have memories of the person around you but with time you get all your emotions on check and start the gradual process of moving on


    Time is a good friend when we seek to heal Separation wounds, thank you for commenting on this post @gone-hive😌🌼


    It's always a devastating experience to witness a breakup especially from a loved one especially when there are various memories that has been built.

    Amelia would definitely be fine,

    You really put in great effort into writing this story.... Quite impressive and motivating.
    Thanks for posting.


    it is always nice to read your comments, I am pleased to know that this story is to your liking.🤗😉



    This is something that is close to my heart... as my mother and father divorced when I was very young. As adults, we can understand the reasons behind "adults" not being able to stay together. Children, on the other hand, have no idea... We must remember that children did not ask to be brought into this world. So we, the adults, must be prepared to help our children understand it was not their fault. This was quite a nice post! Wonderfully written... excellent graphics and details, and a beautiful tribute, to your friend... Amelia. But the following part really spoke to my heart:

    One morning she decided to change, to give herself a chance to be happy, to stop clinging to the past, then the emotions that hurt her little by little stopped appearing so often, she wanted to feel alive, happy again, she had depended so much on her old relationship, it was time to say goodbye to the past.

    Touching, moving, and so true; when we decide to step away from all those things that are bringing us heartache... to, in a sense, "shed our skin" of all those negative things. It's then, that we truly begin to heal. You should be proud of this post... this could be a message to all those who have experienced this moment in time, if living with parents who have divorced.



    I was very pleased to read your comment, your words were very special, they also touched my heart and filled me with satisfaction to know that this content inspired by the story of my friend is helpful to others.
    Thank you for sharing a part of your life in these lines and you are right, children are not to blame when their parents separate, unfortunately many children are left alone in this process, without having someone to explain and prevent wounds are created in their hearts, A hug for you my friend. @wesphilbin 🤗
