LOOSING $73.96 TO CRYPTO INVESTMENT IN 2022:A Tragic lesson learned The hard-way


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Way back during the early days of 2022, with optimism for the new year, I was determined to build wealth the other way round through investment channel

My interest and inclination for crypto was heightened, I so wanted to know more about what crypto, NFTs is and everything around it, Cause I saw these to be the future of finance, investment and ease of transactions

At first a friend told me about a Nigerian -based crypto trading company, that pays return on investment every 7 days, @15% ROI, sounds like a good option, so I opted in with $21.000.

I was still trying to grasp an understanding of the crypto world, one of my glimpse of these was, a company that are professionals and engages in crypto trading runs on accumulating funds from investors and uses same to trade crypto, and pays ROI base on their investment, and like leverage are used, I just knew that with these funds the company can make enough earnings to pay returns unlike individuals trading on their own.

With all these concept in mind, I just knew what I was looking out for, and so I came across these foreign crypto company, after doing some research and some background checks, I invested $43.96, still looking out for some verified checks, so this run for like two to three months, then I started experiencing some glitches in the system, my funds were stuck I couldn’t make withdrawals, tried hard contacting admin and support Centre for help, that’s how I couldn’t access my funds anymore,

By these time depression was an under statement for me, plus external debt and things i had to do awaiting my ROI to pay out

FOR ONE YEAR + and building consistency on the Blockchain, the future prospect and blue print has proven beyond any doubt to me that this is the very best investment channel any wise and smart investor oughts to dig in

Altho I have learned my lesson the hard way thru, it was really difficult getting over these and to keep pushing ahead, as during this times everything around me came crashing down, the big plan is to so heavily invest on hive, grow the ecosystem in every way possible, her communities and future projects , contribute in every way possible

Thanks all for Reading thru and never backing out,

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