Day 14 Mass Indoctrination Service hold on 30th June 2022


Good afternoon brothers and sisters may the peace of the Lord be with us all Amen Glory be to God almighty for another wonderful teachings of Mass Indoctrination Service with Brother Eli.


Baptism is the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost the washing signifies baptism the book of Acts 22:16 and now why terrorist arise and be baptized and wash away their sins calling on the name of the name is the washing away of sin, according to what we have read in a generation that is the image of our

Show the importance of baptism baptism by Christ we will find out the place of baptism what should we baptized in one place and the word jurisdiction in what location listen carefully I am going to read a verse in the Bible the book of Esther 7:23 whatsoever is commanded by the god of Heaven let it be diligently for the house of the god of Heaven what should be the role of this whatsoever is commanded by the god of Heaven let it be deliciously done in the house of the god of Heaven all the command should be done in the house of God there is a jurisdiction or place for the commandment is a jurisdiction of the Teachings of God the doctrines of god or the law of God do not take effect just anywhere that is not true that a man that the things of God have not there there is a jurisdiction for the law let's read Romans 3:19 now we know that whatsoever the law says they're under the law for every commandments whatsoever the law says it is said to those that are under the law

list the traits of God in the Bible that's what I am teaching you I don't want to teach another address for Patricia Wesley the wesleyan church and I don't be ugly by insurance which is over by others that the Roman Catholic Church it is of Rome is not of God and the Methodist Church different churches in the Bible is that is the House of god inside the house that things should be done in the house of God church house of God is it reach let's welcome our dimension be obeyed submission to the law is in the house of God now is a commandment of God in the house of God

After tracing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the holy spirit baptism in the name of guys should be done in the Lord Christ himself baptizing them in the name of the Father is a preposition for place where will be held in the name of the Father in the name of the Father the Greek word which means primary position indicating that point which or my place or buying the full meaning of the word in which is a preposition is used with a Playstation in the name of the Father. In the name of the Father going to look for where the name of the Father is where you will receive the name of the Father is in his house and his house is the church so right on the table so I am writing on the table but what did they use to write

Baptism should be done in replace it is a preposition according to the Bible in the name of the Father because the name of the Father in the name of God has placed not just drag it anywhere and saw it says in the book of Hebrew bible in exodus 20:7 version of the Lord

The meaning of the word now so it's the most correct translation is left the name of the Lord thy God in bed why you can stay permanent location of the name of the Father always in the house of God forever so you should not take it from there and put it anywhere else why does the name of God and put it anywhere.

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
