Live Prayer Meeting Hold on 10th May 2022

Good morning brothers and sisters, may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all Amen


I learned that Instead of you convincing him he's the one who was able to convince you,
We're going to help going to visit someone in active don't go alone or so since we don't know what happened

So you will not go alone you will consider yourself one said ok he said when you are lonely instead of going to others I'm available but consider yourself if we're helping one another that won't happen that is a steal and a sense in it by one another's burdens that comes after this one now you're going to restore in this so we're also going to help one another so we have to be careful and one should not forget 16 1st Corinthians what does it say brother just now let all that you do be done in love that's more than five but not too much and so we're going to do it in love because we're doing when we're doing everything that we do in love it means if we are restoring someone in this obedience in the Spirit of business we're going to do it in love not to try to impress others not to make the person.
In the church to help one another

For example you heard of someone disobeying I heard what happened so I texted him so they can text me and it ended we have

Still going to help one another because we might fall victims we might be the ones there sorbet instead of restoring someone so obedient so I might over should again there's still so much more than something I want to discuss but I might over shirt but just the same I know is that going is there anything you could take home with you with the words that went a little beyond this is already a great thing firstly I appreciate the love of the lord as that point is a danger he's given warning a warning because he does not want you to Parrish it is very important that with the help and mercy of the Lord for me we will already go beyond this because we have already seen the point about restoring anyone disobeying and the importance of art the meaning of you are original I've already looked very important but in fulfilling this commandment ever going to restore someone we should still help one another and go so that we could do it alone

He who is this already has the influence of the enemy who's pulling him so when you go to him as whether you come you will get out of the camp you were going bald by the enemy be careful because you might get shot so that is a commandant we should not let anyone remain disobey let us help one another to restore the brother but I always be in God we should not be purchase our self world now that we are studying is there a problem

Do it in love because we want to restore the brother not to place ourselves or talk him and say why are you like that and then prove that you're good look at the work order should feel with him we want him to be

Let us remember the warning so do not just attack even if we have read that it is a command check how to fulfill the commandments of God there is a way to fulfill them or the safety of those that thing will happen after doing what God has commanded in the Bible I know that we will all benefit from these things in that is our application.

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Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
