Crypto is Part of Global Discourse Now


All eyes are on the U.S presidential election scheduled for next year. Elections are a period to check and review policy direction and their potential impact on her citizens. Important issues are discussed for the most parts, issues that affect the lives and livelihood of the common man. We always have our preferences politically, but every candidate is bound to highlight their opinions on how they intend to shape the nation politically and ideologically.

Therefore with the importance of an election season in full consciousness, it is no surprise that important issues come to the forefront. We should therefore take it as a mark of validation that crypto issues are coming to light during an election cycle. It is also important that they do come to the forefront, seeing how important many consider the space. We are at a time where nations need to be clear about their crypto policies because of their potential effects on her citizens. Believe it or not crypto policy direction can also affect some voters minds.

It is a beautiful sight to behold and shows the growth of the space so far. Coming from a place of relative insignificance to being at the front of national discourse is no mean feat. The blockchain has proved its significance to regulators, thereby making it of importance in discussions about the future of our digital economy. No one is even attempting to ignore the space as of today, and very few candidates still propose that we'd be better off completely without crypto. Even the hardline anti crypto politicians now have taken a turn to seek control rather than completely shut down the space.

It isn't just the USA too, crypto is a major discourse in virtually all elections that take place round the World. The most recent I know of, the Turkish elections were one of opposing ideologies as far as Blockchain technology goes. The Victor, Erdogan retained his seat of power after a runoff election but he has made certain anti crypto remarks in the past. Furthermore, the stats clearly show that the people have completely embraced crypto irrrespective of his opinions. People are favoring Crypto currencies as a hedge against inflation even as the Turkish Lira continues to depreciate.

It isn't just enough to be talked about though, we need a uniform, clear policy direction from those in power. We do need regulators support because there are some institutional investors who may not make an entry unless they know the coast is clear of any regulatory obstacles. We need institutional investors to drive certain innovations and developments across scale. They bring in huge funding that could potentially propel the space to another level. That said though, we do not need them for our very survival and have shown resilience without them.


What we need though is to keep demanding discourse and clarity as the space continues to evolve. Support for crypto may eventually evolve into an ideology that pits two political opinions at loggerheads. We need effective discourse to have a proper sense of direction and know the actions that need to happen in order to grow and develop as a chain.


The article was very interesting. The next step is to get institutional investors on board, but we need the backing of regulators before we can do that. Even though Gensler knows a lot about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, he doesn't seem too excited about jumping on the crypto train.
