Financial Advice: You Never Know Who Might Need It



I am always skeptical about giving financial advice. This may sound funny because I constantly write on leofinance, but I by no means consider myself a financial expert because I barely have things figured out for myself, hence my hesitation. Every now and then though ideas and experiences do happen that warrants sharing, so I gratefully use leofinance as a medium.

The one thing I have observed about the social side of leofinance is that we are more nearly all learners in the space. Even the so called experts among us (luckily few use that term, but you get the point) willingly admit the possibility of error and instead strike up conversations that are more learning focused than opinionated. Hive is certainly a platform where experts and novices mix to become better.

Sometimes even in my head it feels like the information am about to share is already known. Take for instance there have been countless articles about things like delayed gratification, thinking long term and stacking up on Hive power. It isn't until I put pen to paper (or in this case, laptop) that the uniqueness of the article take effect.

It is from a realization that every idea is subject to the individuality of experience that we become better appreciative of the lessons we get to relearn everyday. It is why sometimes applying the best of financial principles may work for one group of people but not for others. It is also another reason why we can't keep our experiences and ideas to ourselves.

What do People Want?

You just never know what might be the major propeller to financial success for an individual. For sure we need information in order to make the right financial decisions, and sometimes it is even information that we already know. Coming across such information again helps to take things from our subconscious to our conscious mind, giving us the required push to act.

I believe this is because some information are more relatable to our environment than others. People who have had similar experiences shared in similar environments will always influence users more than some random person, even if it is the same message being passed.

Don't Count The Number

I barely take note of the number of people am able to reach (for now) when sharing my opinions. While I do hope to eventually reach a much larger group as I develop, for now even influencing one person positively will mean a lot. I too am a product of Hive's influence. Certain people have inspired me on the platform through their words and actions, and I relish the opportunity to learn from them each day.

We may not be financial experts, but we all have something to offer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
