True Sacrifice



It is Easter Sunday. For clear and obvious reason it doesn't carry the same feeling it did growing up. The World has changed over the last Century or so and has especially become quite complex over the last 3 or so decades. Whether it is for good or bad I'll leave you to be the judge from your own standpoint. As a Christian though it certainly isn't elating seeing many things overshadow the symbolism of Easter. Much like Christmas the religious tone of the holiday season has been filtered and appears some people want to replace it with their own meaning.

There's nothing wrong with being irreligious, or simply enjoying the holidays for its sake. Where I frown out is the deliberate attempt to rub off both the spiritual and moral undertone of the season. Easter is a season we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus. To talk about sacrifice in today's society seems like a strange topic of discourse because we have promoted individualism to perhaps its greatest heights in our history. Yet the greatest meaning we get from the journey of life still comes from Sacrifice.

give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations.

We're very good at drawing up individual plans, some may even envisage years into the future. Yet we rarely plan acts of sacrifice because most times we are prompted without warning to perform them. Needless to say the more individualistic we become the more difficult it is to consider the next person. I grew up as a witness to the sacrifices my parents made for myself and my siblings and I'll say being part of such an experience certainly made me more considerate about others.

Some of us can't even make sacrifices for our own selves. We cannot inconvenience ourselves today even when it means getting a better deal tomorrow. I believe the spirit of Easter should not be lost on us irrespective of our beliefs. It is a period to reflect on true Sacrifice and perhaps equip ourselves with the right mindset should life demand we make those sacrifices.

Happy Easter Everyone.
