You Don't Necessarily get A Share


I find the whole equality vs equity, socialism vs capitalism thing quite amusing at times. Of course, it isn't a secret that I stand on the side of capitalism and putting the most effort to receive the highest possible rewards. There are times when capitalism can seem unfair to even its ardent supporters such as myself who are aware of its imperfections anyways, but see it as the most viable solution to the advancement of our society.

The imperfections stem from the fact that income will never be evenly distributed in this model, not matter how much you look at it. Some people will always get less, while others will get more. There are also monopolistic tendencies especially with the explosion of technology in this space. Big companies are using their superior resources and access to swallow up smaller companies and advance their causes.

The kickback we have gotten from this imperfect distribution has been wild. From the thinking that we need a better system in place (which may be true), to that which completely disregards the benefits capitalism has given us and instead calls for a widespread adoption of socialism. Many feel they ought to get a share, and an equal share at that simply because they exist. It is true that some of the hardest workers do get paid little compared to their worth, but regardless a system where everyone gets the same thing irrespective of effort and innovation will be a complete disaster.

What's the Point?

People try to innovate and outdo themselves in order to stay ahead of the competition and get a bigger piece of the pie. If that incentive (the pie) Is removed and shared equally instead, then where will be the motivation to work hard? If you remove the incentive what you have is a lazy, spoiled society who would still complain anyway despite their lack of effort. We might claim to be allured by all. The so called benefits of the socialist structure, but stagnancy is a very valid food for thought should we get what we want.

If we're not growing constantly and raising the level of competition, we ultimately start to fizzle out. Comfort might be good, but it ultimately creates dissatisfaction because it just isn't the way we're wired. We must keep improving and working towards something in order to feel a sense of accomplishment. If everyone lived in a society where outcomes were equal regardless of skillset and effort, then there would be no need to improve those skillset and put in the effort. Another consequence of that is a society that eventually decays.

The Hive Analogy

We have seen quite a bit of innovation in this space as Hive keeps leading the way in its World of an everything Blockchain economy. There are still quite a bit of innovations to come in the future and one can only imagine what's in store. Now despite all this we're not getting that recognition, but what we do have is a potential to explode once everything comes into the limelight. This potential is what keeps incentivizing the developers to continue pushing through the challenges and is what is setting us with a potentially revolutionary platform.

Likewise for individuals who need to keep getting better and making improvements. Getting noticed may pose a bit of a challenge, but eventually quality does stand out. The beauty is in the potential for growth and not for handouts.
