I Missed The Days Of Physical Education


I Missed The Days Of Physical Education


Physical Education is one of the most loved thing amongst students in school. Down here it is refered to as games in highschool and physical Education in elementary school. P. E day is generally known for sport activities. Students/pupils are given opportunity to exercise their bodies inorder to stay fit and also discover hidden talents.

I must confess that while I was in elementary school I enjoy those days more than i did in high school. You know that feeling of being peered with your mates and given a certain kind of sport activity to execute. Those days, there was a match that was organized in one of our Physical education day between senior and junior students.

I think it was even the last time I played soccer game. I can remember vividly how our seniors beat us 9 - 1 and being the back man or defender as it is popularly known, I aided them to score us one more goal. you won't blame me, the goal keeper has been complaining that I was obstructing his view but I didn't mind him. In my mind I was like just be in your post I can do this. It was not long, someone kicked the ball and it was coming straight to out post.

As my role demands, I jumped like Messy and hit the ball with my head, and it went to my back instead of the front, can you imagine? yes! I did it, I was feeling nice inside not until I turned and saw that it went straight into our net. Gosh!!

I can't forget how shamed I was that day because of the way people laughed at me for scoring home instead of the opponent. Loosing the match to our seniors was painful but you know what? That one goal we scored was like gold to us. We beat out chest for it and the guy who scored the goal became very popular in our class that time. The match often reminds me of the Indian versus Nigerian 99 - 1 myth.

In high school I was not really a sport kind of a person. Our physical education day commonly referred to as games is Thursday 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Nigerian Time. The time was really not okay by me because I often help my mom wash dishes in her small canteen in the evening. often times I miss games and face the consequences in school the following day.

Nevertheless the few I attended while I was in Junior high school were fun, even though I don't like soccer which is most guy's favorite sport. For volley ball, I was shy to always join because I don't know how to play. What I often do is engage in race, high jumps, singing and dancing which is frequently considered to be for girls but who cares?

One of the most memorable day I had during our Physical Education in high school was one of the days I was selected to match (parade) with others with the queen of Yellow house during the school's inter house competition.

I know it doesn't sound big but trust me I felt important that day, all my life in school I was never selected to represent the house in anything during sports. That often makes me feel low and it's part of the reasons why I frequently shy away from Physical Education. The joy in my heart that day was huge. Surprisingly, my house came third position in the match pass. It was then I knew what it feel to be a winner in sport activities. No wonder some people off their shirts unconsciously while celebrating their victory. it's really not an easy thing.

My school later stopped games because some boys who claimed to be cultist often come around and cause a lot of trouble in the school during games. The principal got tired of the reports of fights during games so he banned it till we graduated.

Actually most of the moments I have during physical education didn't teach me much about myself, but it always leaves me with this feeling of having potentials in me that I could benefit from if I practice more. I remember the first day, I ran with few of my friends during a running exercise. Most of us are familiar with it, a few persons would be selected to run and touch a given object then return back, the first person to return emerges the winner then followed by the rest. The first day I engaged in that, though I didn't come first but I knew that I could run even more than the winner but I just have to work more and be determined to do it.

Unfortunately, I didn't exploit those potential and they quietly died, in life we should never be scared of trying. The fear of failures will not solve the problem but it will make us remain small and in failures instead. Perhaps if we keep trying and failing, one day we would stumble upon success and no one will take it from us again because we must have mastered it too well then.

I quit soccer and shy away from volley ball because I was scared to fail, I was scared to be laughed at. Today, I want to still play but you know I have wasted the time I am supposed to have used in building myself then. Starting afresh at this point is going to be more difficult. Once an opportunity comes our way, let us utilize it very well, even if it looks very small and irrelevant, you never can tell what would come out of it later.

Thanks For Reading


In our life, there are multiple opportunities, we can't avail all. Sometimes, we win and sometimes we lose. This is part of the game. The real sportsmanship didn't allow anyone to fight either he is winning or losing. It is the worst case, you have faced in your life. You have a hidden talent of soccer so you should not give up. Your soccer competition match is still awesome although you lose from your seniors because you did one goal. I did not have a taste of fashion or house designing. I need to learn it. Failures are not stopping factors believe me, just move on and enjoy the real spirit of sports.


Indeed failure should not make us give up but strive harder to become better individuals. Please Learn that designing it's going to be of help to you.

For football am not really sure, I am going to give it a try again though .

Thanks for stopping by 🥰


Wow so sorry about the lose which prevented you from pursuing your sporting career. I know you have learnt your lesson from past experiences


Messi Messi I can't stop laughing.
At least you can dance like the girls my baby boy-girl 😂


LoL... The dancing self is not a serious one. Am just too odd🤣 trust me, they called me thar boy girl a lot back then

Thanks so much for stopping by


Haha, Messy scored in his goalpost. 🤣

I understand how shamed you must have felt, well who doesn't make mistakes?

I enjoyed reading.


I must confess that while I was in elementary school I enjoy those days more than i did in high school.

So so true I miss those good old days too, those wonderful days before we became teenagers and afterwards adults and things began to change!!

Always a #dreemerforlife🥰🥰


LoL... Adulthood just spoiled everything 😂..

Thanks for coming around


Thanks my friend for sharing. I like your thought with regards to trying until succeeding, & mastering through all the times we tried.

#dreemerforlife beemed down from #dreemport - to this #dreemer curated post :)


Thank you too for reading sir.. the pleasure is mine..

See you around
