Pseudo Coma; A Case of Locked In Syndrome


We will be discussing a medical condition of South African who was in coma for 12 years. This is the medical case of Martin Pistorius who came back from school with sore throat and that was the beginning of a long time medical journey in his life.

He was a brilliant child who would build electrical appliances and would repair the ones in their homes that weren't working properly. With this, his mum loved him and was willing to help him grow his career as an electrical electronics engineer in the future but then, one day in January of 1988 he came home from school with a sore throat which looked like a simple thing but gradually, he was unable to eat, and was then finding it difficult to walk as he was experiencing serious pain which kept growing.

Soon he was unable to move his body, and this caused its body to become weaker and so did his mind start to grow weak. Soon he went into a waking coma where he could see things but could not move his body. Later, he went to losing faces, and other cognitive abilities. Several test was done on him to find a diagnosis but this didn't work as they were unable to find anything wrong with him. He was unable to drink and eat and was being treated for tuberculosis and Cryptococcal meningitis but then they didn't get the underlying cause of this illnesses.

The doctors were only keeping him with the basics and just waited for him to die or waited till they found something. Soon he was able to recognize himself as he came back to himself but he was unable to move himself and couldn't tell anywhere he was out of waking coma as he could not talk or move. Since he could not communicate, he decided to be lost in his imagination.

At this point, he had suffered from Locked In Syndrome (LIS) which is like the mind being locked inside the body. For the case of Martin Pistorius, he was suffering from classical LIS as he had total bodily paralysis, but could still move is eyes vertically but not horizontally. His cognitive functions and hearing were intact as the person can see, hear, and understand but cannot move or say anything. With incomplete LIS, the person can still move a little as they are not completely paralyzed. With total immobility LIS, there is no way the person can move their body, and they cannot move their eyes.

Locked In Syndrome (LIS) is trigger by the damage of the Pons of the Brain stem which is a pathway between the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the spinal cord. People with locked in syndrome cannot speak, move, chew, make facial expression but can hear, reason, understand, and maintain sleep-wake cycle. The hemorrhage of the brainstem can lead to bleeding in or around it which could be caused by high blood pressure, brain trauma, extreme drug abuse, tumor, infection, heart disease, and infarct which is the necrotizing of brain tissues as a result of lack of blood.

It can be regarded as a pseudocoma, and people can have difficulty doing anything, and there is no treatment for it. People who have locked in syndrome are usually paralyzed but then do not mistake Stephen Hawking to suffer from locked-in syndrome because he didn't suffer from it, rather he suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis which cause his entire body to be paralyzed. It is a degenerative motor disease which means I cannot perform motor functions including speaking but his words were communicated to word and he left his name in the sands of time.


Image Reference

Image 1 ||Wikimedia || Brisa Alfaro
Image 2 || Flickr || Martin Pistorius


of South African who was in coma for 12 years. This is the medical case of Martin Pistorius

All through this period did he eat any food?

This must have been so hard.


His father was going to feed him, as well as the nurse in the hospital but he wasn't able to mutter words and still had gag reflex.


What eventually happened to Martin after 12 years? Did he come back to normal or just cross to the other side? I was waiting to see how it ended but you just deviated away totally.


Based on my finding he was alive till around 2011. I dont know if he lived beyond that.

He was eventually diagnosed of cryptococcal meningitis, a fungal infection that spread from his lungs to the brain causing damage

He got married, wrote a book, and even communicated through a speech synthesizer but he was wheel chair bound.

This is almost similar to Stephen Hawkins but still quite different


According to Martin, a lady Virna who offered aromatherapy was able to convince the doctors and his parents that he was back. He was allowed to do a cognitive test which he passed, and has been using devices to communicate since. According to his Wikipedia page, he is still alive, has a wife and a child.


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Yeah, I also think I for one would also love to know what eventually happened to martin after 12 years. Just curious


Someone saw that he was able to move his eyes and he was tested for both cognitive and alternative communication. Using symbols and currently Macaw which is a similar communicating tool to what Stephen Hawkings used
