Doing one thing at a time




There are days when I wake up wanting to do everything at once, and the only thing I get is to hinder everything I thought to do, my mind tries to go in several directions at the same time, and that is not possible to do, when this happens to me I have to call me to calm down and focus on the most important thing.

That way I take the right path by doing one thing at a time, I take out tasks one by one according to the need of the moment, I do nothing with wanting to do everything together, this happens to me very rarely, and I have realized that it usually happens to me when the day before I have left things pending.

When I leave things pending they remain engraved in my mind all night and the next day they come to the surface, at the beginning of the day this tries to accelerate my rhythm, activating anxiety, that is to say, an excess of worry that clouds my mind, has this happened to you?

In my case when this happens to me what I do is not to let anxiety take over my thoughts, if I allow it I will not know which path to take and from there what task to perform first, I take myself to calm, I breathe deeply for several minutes, that helps me relax and think better, and so I return to orient myself.

When we get agitated we feel that we are not the same people, we are clumsy, insecure and emotionally unstable, although the best of all is that we can change everything with the recovery of our mental power, which in the long run is the one that guides us correctly without distressing us.
