Pet Cats Break Things. But you can't blame them.


We live in a world where people love to buy things, acquire things.
When they get bored, they buy pets, as if it were a thing, as if the things weren't enough.
Then when things get crazy, something breaks or gets lost, people change. We suddenly wish for something else. Why do we regret?

This writing seems more like venting out. Haha! Here goes...

I was in the toilet and my cat was getting very irritated this morning. So he couldn't stay still and kept jumping, and shifting beds. He accidentally jumped over my husband's TV and it fell.


It hurt me to see my husband's TV broken, because I knew how my husband took care of our things at home. He shares in the cleaning, and maintaining of almost everything we have.

On the other hand, adopting Boogie made me so happy, at that time Aldrin and I weren't married. When I got Boogie, I felt some achievement in my life. Now we live all together and with our closest friends.

While Aldrin helps me in the house, it is my responsibility to take care of our cats' needs. Lately, Aldrin has learned to prepare Boogie's food and because of that, Boogie has become familiar with him and even wants to cuddle in bed. Sometimes, he no longer fears Aldrin that much.

However, today got crazy, just when the two were getting along. Something happens to break that bond.

Still, I am thankful we live with our closest friends who happen to also love cats. Instead of influencing my husband to get rid of our cat, we all just kept talking about what to do and hope to get it fixed.

I've come to accept that we can never be too careful. No matter what I do to make the house cat proof, it is more advisable to have a place - like Mr. Jackson Galaxy says a "CATIO" for your pet cats to roam around in and play. Then maybe, I wouldn't feel regret.

Until then, we are hoping things will get better for the 3 of us.

We love our cat Boogie.

See you around!

Love lots,


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