How to cook meatballs crab soup



Hello hive friends ...

Today I want to share a little cooking experience with crab soup and meatballs. I found the recipe online and tried it at home.

At first I had difficulty getting crabs in traditional markets, because now there are no crabs on the market. Fortunately, I met a relative who brought some crabs as souvenirs that were caught by his ship at sea.

Some time ago I got the Soup recipe for crab and meatballs that I read on the internet, and today I managed to practice it at home.

Ingredients for making meatball crab soup

4 crabs
10 balls of meatball
1 large carrot, wash the slices, to taste cabbage, wash the slices, to taste oblique beef sausage, enough macaroni
1 spring onion, wash, slice slightly large
2 celery stalks wash thin slices
1 potato wash, cut into cubes


3 grains of garlic
1 teaspoon pepper
To taste salt
Sufficient sugar
2 blocks of maggi broth
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg


Puree garlic, saute in a little cooking oil with sausage. Once fragrant, add 750 ml-1 liter of water.

Add carrots, potatoes, macaroni. Let the water boil, add the cabbage, meatball, salt, sugar, block broth, pepper and nutmeg which have been mashed.
Taste correction.

The final taste will be a little sweet, savory, then the fragrant aroma of pepper and nutmeg. When it fits, add the chives and celery leaves. Wait a minute 3-5 minutes, remove. Serve


Hello hive friends...

Hari ini saya ingin sedikit berbagi pengalaman memasak sop kepiting dan bakso. Saya mendapatkan resepnya di internet dan mencobanya di rumah.

Awalnya saya kesulitan mendapatkan kepiting di pasar tradisional, karena sekarang lagi langkanya kepiting di pasaran. Untungnya saya bertemu dengan seorang kerabat yang membawakan beberapa ekor kepiting sebagai oleh-oleh hasil tangkapan kapalnya di laut.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya mendapatkan resep SOP kepiting dan bakso yang saya baca di internet, dan hari ini saya berhasil mempraktikkannya di rumah.

Bahan-bahan membuat Sop kepiting bakso

4 ekor kepiting
10 butir baso
1 buah wortel tanggung besar, cuci bersih iris, Secukupnya kol cuci bersih iris,Secukupnya sosis sapi potong serong,Secukupnya makaroni
1 batang daun bawang cuci bersih iris agak besar
2 batang seledri cuci bersih iris tipis
1 buah kentang cuci bersih potong dadu


3 butir bawang putih
1 sdt merica
Secukupnya garam
Secukupnya gula pasir
2 blok kaldu maggi
1/2 sdt pala


Haluskan bawang putih, tumis dengan sedikit minyak goreng bersama sosis. Setelah harum, tambahkan air 750 ml-1 liter.

Masukkan wortel, kentang, makaroni. Biarkan air mendidih, masukkan kol, baso, garam, gula, kaldu blok, merica dan pala yg telah dihaluskan.
Koreksi rasa.

Rasa akhirnya nanti adalah sedikit manis, gurih, kemudian aroma harum merica dan pala. Jika sudah pas, masukkan daun bawang dan daun seledri. Tunggu sebentar 3-5 menit, angkat. Sajikan

Recipe source






Hive Gift by @doze
