Ladies of Hive Contest #176: What I like about being a woman 🌼 [ES/EN]


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¡Hola queridas Damas de Hive! Espero que se encuentren todas muy bien. Hoy me pasó por acá para participar del concurso de la semana con nuevas preguntas que nos invitan a la reflexión. Bueno, comencemos.

Marzo es el Mes de la Mujer y nos gustaría que reflexionaras más allá de los estereotipos sobre lo que te gusta de ser mujer, desde lo más profundo de tu ser, enfócate en esas características o motivos personales

Lo que me gusta de ser mujer es sentirme y percibirme como una luchadora de la vida. Ya por el solo hecho de ser mujer nos tenemos que enfrentar a un ambiente y mundo hostil en casi todos los ámbitos a los que queremos aspirar, sin embargo allí vamos, luchando contra viento y marea, alzando la voz y pidiendo por nuestros derechos. Esa busca constante de la igualdad y de que se respeten nuestros derechos nos hace poderosas, indomables e increíbles. Podrán tirarnos, pero jamás vencernos, siempre damos más de lo que nos corresponde, es parte de nuestra naturaleza. Además, somos creación en su máxima expresión, tenemos el milagro de la vida en nuestras manos. Es algo para sentirse orgullosa, aunque sé que no es el deseo de todas y me encanta que cada una pueda tomar sus propias decisiones sobre su cuerpo.

Me encanta sentir que puedo con todo, aunque también puede ser una piedra en el zapato. Por algo se nos trata de superpoderosas o multitareas, muchas venimos con ese chip casi ancestral diría, pero la verdad es que no lo cambiaría por nada. Sé que muchas veces reniego de ser mujer por múltiples razones, sin embargo, me siento tan bendecida de serlo. Es difícil poner en palabras todo lo que me gusta de ser una mujer. Sin dudas lo que destacó en estás líneas es lo que considero me gusta más, pero sé que hay muchas y eso es lo mágico.

¿Te gustan las actividades al aire libre o en el interior y prefieres realizarlas en tu tiempo libre? Muéstranos algunas fotos personales de esta actividad

Me considero una persona que le gustan las actividades en el interior, aunque lo que más me gusta se puede hacer tanto adentro como afuera, pero generalmente lo hago adentro y estoy hablando de la lectura. Leer es mi pasión, es súper normal llegar a casa y verme con un libro en la mano o cerca de mí en mis ratos libres, aunque no tenga mucho tiempo me gusta leer un capítulo por día o al menos unas páginas, con eso ya me siento realizada. También me gusta la jardinería y salir a pasear con mi perra, pero no tengo fotos de esta actividad así que me quedo con la de los libros.


Bueno amigas, estas son mis respuestas a las preguntas de la semana. Espero que les hayan gustado e invitó a quienes me lean a realizarlas.
Gracias por llegar hasta acá y leer.
¡Hasta la próxima!

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Hello dear Ladies of Hive! I hope you are all doing well. I stopped by today to participate in this week's quiz with new thought-provoking questions. Well, let's get started.

March is Women's Month and we would like you to reflect beyond the stereotypes about what you like about being a woman — from the depths of your being, focus on those characteristics or personal reasons

What I like about being a woman is to feel and perceive myself as a fighter of life. Just because we are women, we have to face a hostile environment and world in almost all the areas we want to aspire to, yet there we go, fighting against all odds, raising our voices and asking for our rights. This constant search for equality and for our rights to be respected makes us powerful, indomitable and incredible. They may throw us down, but they will never defeat us, we always give more than what we are entitled to, it is part of our nature. Besides, we are creation at its maximum expression, we have the miracle of life in our hands. It is something to be proud of, although I know it is not everyone's desire and I love that everyone can make their own decisions about their body.

I love to feel that I can do anything, although it can also be a stone in the shoe. Many of us come with this ancestral chip, but the truth is that I wouldn't change it for anything. I know that many times I deny being a woman for multiple reasons, however, I feel so blessed to be one. It is difficult to put into words everything I love about being a woman. Undoubtedly what I highlighted in these lines is what I consider I like the most, but I know there are many and that is what is magical.

Do you like outdoor activities or indoor activities which you prefer to do in your free time, show us some personal photos of this activity

I consider myself a person who likes indoor activities, although what I like most can be done both indoors and outdoors, but I usually do it indoors and I'm talking about reading. Reading is my passion, it is super normal to get home and see me with a book in my hand or near me in my free time, even if I don't have much time I like to read a chapter a day or at least a few pages, with that I feel fulfilled. I also like gardening and going for a walk with my dog, but I don't have pictures of this activity so I'll stick to books.


Well friends, these are my answers to the questions of the week. I hope you liked them and I invite those who read them to do the same.
Thanks for coming here and reading.
See you next time!

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Traductor - Translation


I love reading too, but generally also do it indoors. Not because I don't want to be outside, but because if the mosquitoes don't get you, the cougars might! Either way, you get eaten, lol!

Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!


cougars? That must be worth seeing. The mosquitoes are terrible here, especially because we are having a lot of rain and humidity, so it is better to be indoors.
How nice that you also like to read ❤️
I wish you a great weekend, greetings!


I've seen a cougar at a distance when we lived in Colorado, but haven't here. However, in hiking here,when it snows, it was difficult to decide who was follow who; were we following the cougars as in more than one, or were they following us? We know they are here watching but the snow makes it real. We've had a Bobcat at the house before a couple of times. The wildlife is fascinating.

I have always been a bookworm since a young age! I remember when I was in grade school and my brother was in junior high; he came home with a literary book from school full of stories, and I ended up reading it! That began my journey of devouring books. I generally prefer fiction to non-fiction, but I still love to read.

Take care and enjoy your book!🤗💜 !LADY


Nature is fascinating and admirable to see. The wild has a certain charm.

I also started my reading journey by reading the books that my brother brought from school ✨


We have a bit in common then! Enjoy whatever book you are reading. I have to steal time now to read much, but try to do some every day. Take care! !LADY


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It's been a long time since I read any Jane Austin, classic literature!
Thanks for sharing @erigm


It's great because her books focus on the role of women in society in their times. Plus their romances are good.
Thanks for stopping by, have a good weekend!


A pesar de los entornos hostiles las mujeres siempre sabemos salir hacia adelante. Saludos ☺️


Así es, somos grandes luchadoras y allí vamos. Saluditos, que tengas un buen fin de semana 🤗
