My first LPUD


Hi all,

When Cub finance started a couple of years ago, the Leo (finance) token was doing great (somewhere around the blue area in the graph below). In order to diversify and take profit of the high price, I sold some of that for Hive and Hive related tokens, such as @spinvest and @lbi-token.


I also decided to use part of that to put in the bLeo-BNB farm on Cub finance and earn CUB. It was quite a hassle, being new to DeFi, but I managed to get it done in the end. After years seeing the price of CUB (and Leo) go down, I decided last week to stop providing liquidity and get my bLeo back out. Again, quite a hassle to find how to do that, but once again I got it done. Great thing about providing this liquidity is that you basically get out what you put in in the first place. At a much lower price of course, but Leo is Leo.


So now, what to do with about 260 liquid Leo tokens?
Well, since it's Leo Power Up Day, lets do that!


And after the 150 Leo powered up:

I keep some of the Leo for next month, so hopefully I can participate again then. I also kept my liquidity in the CUP-BNB pool, so am still earning CUB, but at a slower pace.

Did you already power up a nice bit of Leo today? And are you still involved in DeFi/Cub finance? Let me know!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
