Dangers Of Children Around Plants


My niece and I love working on plants together, but of course, many times she doesn't listen when I tell her to stop touching them. Understanding her curious nature, I don't punish her strictly.

Her and I were trying to groIMG_20220120_134607247.jpga some onions and they were growing but sadly she decided to not listen to me and broke the leaves that were growing from two onion plants. Now, this isn't such a huge problem. Onions are extremely hardy and pretty child proof but teaching a child to listen is essential.


On the left you can see that the onion is growing, but of course the leaves in the center are missing. It looks like this onion may be able to produce two bulbs in the future, but now we have to wait several weeks for them to recover.
The one on the left was torn apart, and it seems we have another similar situation with the onion possibly being able to produce two bulbs. Like I said, this isn't a huge problem, but it is going to pushback our planting date by a good few weeks, sadly.
Luckily, the onion in the back wasn't affected in anyway.

As punishment for this, I'm making her watch plant documentaries. She prefers to learn by experience, but since she doesn't like to listen, it's time for her to be a visual and auditory learner. This truly isn't a big deal, but if these were pepper, or tomato plants, we would need to start all over again. I guess she will live and learn.
