Democrats Don't Care About Green Energy, They Care About Their Stocks


I find it hard to believe that some progressives really think that democrats care about protecting the environment. Of course, they don't, that is why Obama bought his mansion near the ocean while claiming the water levels are rising. They want every chance they get to protect the property values of their mansions, and the worst of them buy stocks in green energy companies and then demand people stop using oil.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe in green energy and self-sustainability but I am not forcing it down people's throats by creating or supporting policies that want to limit the public's options on energy production and vehicular options. California's ban on dirty car sales is a good example of this.

I do not believe these people are pushing these decisions for the good of mankind and the planet. The government and the corporate elite are far more sinister; We cannot trust them. Do NOT trust progressives and do NOT trust Democrats.


I don't trust any of these people, even the ones that are on "our side". I just think everyone who is a leader is in it for a grift and isn't serious or aren't the right people for the job that needs to be done. It's just a matter of time before something or someone is fucking dumb and innocent people get hurt more and more in the process. We need sturctural, peaceful, sustainable change and I think a huge part of that is honestly administrating so much more than we do know on the blockchain. People can pay rent in crypto in government housing, a dao controls how local parks and activities are done, etc. quadratic funding and transparency, trust with verification is so needed.


If they aren't coming from a perspective of individual liberty then I don't value what they have to offer.


I'm all for individual responsibility - that's something it's been seeming that we've all been lacking for far too long here in America. I think change can be super small like just committing with your neighbors to keep storm drains clear of debris and that kind of communication and cooperation can spread like a peaceful wave onto other things.

Maybe we could actually stop hating each other if we found common ground we could all respect and participate in.

