If You Buy Something with Money, It's Not Always Valuable

Let's talk about value and scarcity. Do you know many antique shops have items which get sold for milions do you know why? It's because it's rare item or it's not possible to find another version of it at cheap cost. Price then becomes something hard to measure for the value of those items.

A lot of things we have in our life we can't have value over. So today let's discuss some of those things.


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Love if you can buy it, then it's not Valuable

Yes you can buy women, you can buy men in this world. But does that bring value? Sure you can pay milion to buy them. But does that gives you love? No. So it's not valuable if you pay for it. Instead if you earn it and have the journey with it, then love becomes valuable and so much so it's not something can be measured with money. So love if you can find without money, it's priceless.

You can't buy time, you can only delegate it or schedule It

Do you know any gadget or god or prayer that can buy you more time than you have on this planet earth? I don't know of any. If you do let me know in the comments. You can't buy time, no matter how rich become and how much you can spend time into doing work requires scheduling or giving it to someone else. You can't buy time in this world and that is why we call it valuable.

You can't buy your age, it's Linear

You can't go back to childhood by going to some deal on the age. You just have the time linear and in one direction. You can find some value in the current age for the time you have but you cant buy the childhood, puberty, youth and the mid age. You can only go linear way forward. And there is no way money can buy it. That's what each age makes those things valuable.

You can buy things that make you Happy but You can't buy Happiness

Happiness is the most volatile thing on the planet. You can buy everything under the sun but you can't buy happiness. Because you may feel like being happy being in a charity or you feel happy being a good spender or being rich man but once you achieve it the goal post for happiness moves away. So it can't be achieved with money.

Life gives you many things and there are things that money can't buy. And some things you have to do it on your own and earn them. And you have to go for your better life when you can pay for things but those things wont be valuable.


People say happiness can be bought with money and spending on things that make you happy. But the moment you do things that make you happy the goal for happiness and its place changes. And so money can't buy happiness forever. It always keeps on moving ahead.

Do you think things we buy with money are valuable? or they just make us happy temporarily?

Posted via proofofbrain.io


I think the things we buy with money can only make us happy temporarily,

because the list of the things we want to buy are endless, but doing things that we love doing is where a true happiness lies.

Posted via proofofbrain.io
