Whales and Sharks are Not Always Smart in Crypto


Few years back Mark Cuban invested into the DeFi project called Titan or something. That project went total downhill and his invest was totally destroyed. He later found complaining on twitter on regulation and the crypto standards for DeFi.

Most recent similar experience was with popular Shark Tank investor Kevin O'leirry who invested into FTX exchange. As you can see each one of the sharks and the whales in the world are invested into crypto. They have no clue if projects work or not.

In short, Whales and Sharks in the world are just like you and me, they have weakness too. They lose a lot and have learned the art of making money. And they are kind of even more open towards the damage that could happen due to the market changes in the Stock and Crypto stocks.

So what makes Whales and Sharks, just another human like us?


Not every Whale & Shark is Tech Savvy

As you earn more and become rich, you would be limiting yourself to the possibilities of the depth. Like you can't study every opportunity out there in the world in depth. Because if you do that you would be limiting your other commitments.

This is one of the reasons many rich people hire the advisors and the guides who can advise them about various investments. Still there are some rich who overhear the investment advice from their own think tank and invest directly based on the hunch.

Most of the rich people investing into Dogecoin, Bitcoin and and other DeFi Scams are mostly due to their hunch. That's why you see projects like FTX, Titan DeFi eating money of the rich.

Whales Win on Momentum, Not Technical Depth

One of the interesting thing about the rich people is that they win big on the momentum and they delegate the depth. And that kind of opens up the gap in their knowledge. And this is why they tend to be burning the funds on many wrong crypto or even stocks in the market.

Depth has a cost. You can't keep both momentum and the depth at the same time. If you do you would end up becoming insane or super genius and most of the rich are not genius, they are opportunists. So that kind of shows you they are not always smart.

90% Hype and 10% Value in Crypto

Most of the rich people have not understood that most of the crypto projects are hyped. Like you have this hype for dogecoin, FTX, LUNA and few more coins out there. People tend to ignore their use case and the market demand. Instead they believe in the followers, articles and the data generated out of paid journalism.

This goes to show you that a lot of value is artificial. And that means rich people don't pay attention to that. Bunch of presentation, fancy fonts and the animated intro and then rich guy is sold on some crypto.

I feel a lot of whales and the Sharks are not as smart as they are being painted by the media and the communities around the world. I feel in crypto any smart person can lose as the market works pretty random. We can't figure out who is smarter than the lot, just because they are whale or a shark.

What do you think?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


If value was important in crypto, Hive would be a top 5 token lol

Posted via Veews
