Ops!, I did it again [En|Es]



Yesterday was quite hectic and full of craziness. Within all that euphoria we adopted a kitten.

Everything was very spontaneous and unplanned. My son and I went out to look for a scale that I was going to borrow from a neighbor (this was before I got the courage to buy the one I showed you in my earlier post). The neighbor was going to lend it to us and when we were crossing the street we saw a very lonely orange kitten.

It occurred to me to tell my son "when we go back we'll grab it and take it home". But I knew that he would most likely run away when we tried to catch him.

To my surprise when we got to the corner my son was able to grab him and then started walking home with him. It turns out that when we checked him out we realized that he was not a male but a female.

We were laughing and saying "daddy is going to kill us!", because my husband although he is an animal lover is not very fanatic about the idea of having more cats because they usually use his bathroom pots.

When we arrived I called my husband, my son hid and when we came out we said "we did it again!". Hahaha you had to see my husband's horrified face hahaha. But when he saw it he started to change his mind, especially seeing that she was so affectionate. ♥

And so friends that's how since yesterday we have a new member in the family. We named her Nala after a kitten we had some time ago who died very young. My cat Simba is not very happy with the idea yet, but I will tell you about that in another post.

El día de ayer fue bastante agitado y lleno de locuras. Dentro de toda esa euforia adoptamos una gatita.

Todo fue muy espontaneo y cero planificado. Mi hijo y yo salimos a buscar una balanza que me iba a prestar una vecina (esto fue antes de que me animara a comprar la que les enseñé en mi post de temprano). Nos la iba a prestar la vecina del fondo y cuando ibamos cruzando la calle vimos un gatito de color naranja muy solito.

Se me ocurrió decirle a mi hijo "cuando vayamos de regreso lo agarramos y nos lo llevamos a casa". Pero yo sabía que lo más probable es que al intentar agarrarlo saliera corriendo.

Para mi sorpresa cuando llegamos a la esquina mi hijo lo pudo agarrar y luego comenzó a caminar con él camino a casa. Resulta que cuando lo revisamos nos dimos cuenta que no era macho sino hembra.

Ibamos riendo y diciendo "¡papi nos va a matar!", pues mi esposo aunque es amante de los animales no es muy fanatico con la idea de tener más gatos pues estos suelen usar sus macetas de baño.

Cuando llegamos llamé a mi esposo, mi hijo se escondió y al salir le dijimos "¡lo volvimos a hacer!". Jajaja tenían que ver la cara de horror de mi esposo jajaja. Pero cuando la vio comenzó a cambiar de parecer, sobre todo al ver que era tan cariñosa. ♥

Y así amigos fue como desde ayer tenemos un nuevo miembro en la familia. La llamamos Nala en honor a una gatita que tuvimos hace tiempo y que murió muy chiquita. Mi gato Simba no esta muy contento con la idea aún, pero ya eso se los iré contando en otra publicación.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Orange females are rare. How old do you guess she is?


Yes! He is a male hahahahaha how could I have been calling him kitty 😅😂 I thought it was super weird too because I had previously read that orange cats tend to be male because of genetics. I bathed him two days ago and that's when I corroborated that it was a boy. I would estimate he is about 3-4 months old.


I wish you all the best with your new friend. May you have many happy memories together.

Now if I could get my girl to stop being such a bully maybe I can find her a home playmate.


So cute ❤. You son must be so happy having this beauty @estefania3. Happy new week lovely.


Yes, everyone at home is very happy with this new member. Thank you very much for your good wishes and I hope you are doing great too. Regards ✨😊
