Grace Turns Your Vulnerability To Strength💪



It is beyond dispute that the inferior is blessed by the superior.

Hello and a happy new week to all of you in his great community and I am so glad to be able to share his words of life today with you all.

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Let me start by saying that grace means divine assistance from God.

And the other hand vulnerability is our weaknesses and strength is the ability to perform a task.

In the bible, we can see outstanding characters and the things to gain divine grace.

In the bible, I want to point out some things to do for divine strength.

First, the number one thing to do for divine strength is to Seek Counseling. In seeking counsel we must seek from those who are wise. Just like Samuel did when he was with Eli and Jacob sought counseling from his uncle as well.

Yes, you indeed may have education but you might not have experience. So for this reason you need to seek counseling.

Take note that the possible is achievable but strength is in counseling, Gen.39:1-3,20.

Secondly, let those people who are living around you know that is with you. And that also means you to be born again and let Christ be the king of your life. And without much effort, it will show that Christ is in you.

Thirdly, Avoid shorts cuts (Gen.39:7) this shorts many people love to take will lead them to an opening but rob them off of God's divine gift. And if care is not taken one day you the pay a price to regain this God's divine gift.

Be ready, just like Joseph was ready despite all he challenges coming from his brothers and even from the house of Pharoh. He was still prepared and held on to God.

The last point I want to say is that you must be focused in life and also be patient with God (2peter3:8-9)

I pray as you follow these points may God surprise you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thanks for reading through and do have a wonderful week as well, cheers to you all 👍
