The good attitude I possess


Hello hivers,

Welcome to my blog and to another wonderful edition of the hive Learners weekly contest with an amazing topic that has to deal with us. Look back at the good attributes someone else can emulate from us just as we are looking up to other people whom we admire their lifestyles.


But the truth is if we like it or not there are people out there who are either openly or secretly looking up to us from behind, they just admire our lifestyles and are trying to live their lives like us.

Few days ago we wrote things about our role models and the things we admire in them and today we are asked to talk about our own life. What are the things we have that will actually attract people to desire being like us.

It really gives me joy when people tell me how they admire my lifestyle and they always feel good being around me just because of my personality. These things people see in me just want to keep me going. I have joy doing them. I know I'm not perfect in my personality but there are good parts of me that I know for sure.

What are my good qualities as a person

I'm a very jovial type of person, I love jokes and making people around me happy is what I'm good at. My family is incomplete without my presence because everyone will be happy when I'm around, my neighborhood and school mates know me to be a joy giver. Yea I'm vfun to be with, I'm social to everyone I meet but I respect boundaries to earn myself respect.

I smile a lot every time you see me, you see me smile just can help is part of me.

I love to have compassion on people, let me say I have a good heart, seeing other people burden as mine though some people take it for granted but on life we don't really need to look at people's attitude towards us who we have been a source of help to, we just need to keep doing good and believe we are doing it for God.

Giving is my habit, I know I don't really have enough of my own some of the things I have is given to me by my parents but out of itvi still give it out to people who are in need of them than i do, I do feel bad whenever I see people in a bad situation and I can help out, sometimes I do pray to God to look at my heart that I can be trusted with finance so I can be a help to the helpless and voice to the voiceless this is just the part I do find myself doing.

This is in response to the hive Learners weekly contest hl-w31e3.

Thanks for reading my post please feel free to comment on the comment box and do well to stop by next time thanks.


It's almost a normal thing if people take your good heart for granted. But just do your thing however. The good will pay you off even if people fail to appreciate it in you.


Sure I will continue in doing good I don't really expect much from people. Thanks for stopping by 🥰
