Love and pains

The feeling that comes with loving someone so much that you can practically not live comfortably without them.
The feeling that make you attached to someone that getting their attention seems like your number one duty.
The feeling that make you put their happiness above yours.
The feeling that make you alive only when you are with them.
The feeling that make you think they are part of your existence.
Is this still love?
Or it is something else.

This feeling practically makes you crazy.
This feeling makes you act out of your senses
And this feeling get overdosed that it is becoming dangerous for your heart.

This feeling make that someone have a very close access to your heart and he or she can easily pick at it.
This feelings make you vulnerable and I ask again, is this still love?

Image by DESIGNECOLOGIST from unsplash

I thought they said love is a beautiful thing.
They said love is the best thing anyone could feel.
They said love is mind-blowing (well, it is).
They said love is peaceful.
They said love is lovely (it is supposed to be anyways)

How come no one ever told me that love is also painful and addicting
How come the only image people always paint about love is the image of happiness and fun.
How come no one ever talked about what happens behind those sweet captions on Facebook, those happy faces on Instagram, those sweet couple outfits on Twitter and those sweet challenges on Tiktok.

How come no one talked about the sacrifices one have to make to keep the love flowing.
How come no one ever talked about the annoying days.
The days you wake up and regret knowing the person, the day you promised yourself that meeting the person is a mistake you will never repeat.

I overheard many saying that if someone really loves you the person would accept you the way you are, so you don't need to change.
That is the truth anyways but why are you guys ignoring the fact that if you truly love someone you still need to make adjustments for the person to be happy and these adjustments can be a really slow and painful period.

I must say that this love of a thing is really not for the weak.
Because you really need to be strong to withstand everything that comes with it.

And the funniest part of the whole thing is that not withstanding everything that happens, you still find your self prioritizing the person's happiness.
You still find yourself offering them the best help you can.
You still find yourself thinking of the person's well being.

Well the only thing I can conclude is that this love of a thing is two sided and the person you are in it with determines the side that bares the highest weight.
So, check yourself and know if you are in the right or wrong relationship because all relationships must have a rough time but it is not something that should be consistent.


Some times we ought to love with caution. By this I mean not allowing the self to be lost when inlove or when loving someone. Be it family friends or friend.

It can be crazy but trading with super care give you a upper stand over them. Unfortunately, it feels so bad or worst disappointing when you realize your extended and self-giving love is dusted underfoot😳😳😳.

Well, yet, we cannot but continue to love. For love conquers the world. Nice @eugenia7499. Weldon there, your writing is super💪✌🍨 amazing


Thank you so much @wizj
I really appreciate
You are right though
Love conquers the world indeed
