

What are the common challenges people may face when trying to practice kindness?

  • Firstly, In my opinion, we have people in society who are willing to help but due to a LACK OF RESOURCES, they cannot help, People may find it challenging to assist others in need if they do not have enough money or access to resources, you can never give what you do not have, it will be difficult to extend the hands of giving when you are in need also.

  • Another point Is FEAR:- Everyone is protective of their names and image, especially in my country, it is very hard to extend the heart of kindness, I do not blame people because some people are hiding and using this privilege to do evil, so people are always afraid to show kindness because of things like this, for instance, you see a lady stranded on the road and you decide to help not knowing she is an armed robber and the other members are hiding using her as a bait for anyone willing to assist her, life has taught so many people lessons and they are not willing to help.

  • Uncertainty about how to help is another point I wish to talk about, some people do not know when and how to help, they do not know the best way to support others and they prefer to keep to themselves rather than helping others.


How do societal norms and expectations impact people's ability to show kindness?

  • Societal norms and expectations can impact people's ability to show kindness in several ways. Firstly, I will say societal pressure, there could be pressure to put one's accomplishments and success before compassion and kindness. Kindness may be viewed as a show of weakness or vulnerability in such a competitive and self-centered culture.

  • The ability of people to be kind can also be impacted by societal norms in a way that people believe that women should be more compassionate than men, Men would be expected to be harsh and stern, for instance, while women are expected to be nurturing and caring. People may get discouraged from showing kindness because it is biased, there are no gender differences in showing kindness.


How can we overcome barriers to practicing kindness for a more compassionate society?

  • We need to educate ourselves about the benefits of kindness-: We aren't doing it for ourselves, we need to show love to the people, let us learn more about kindness, awareness can also help but the changes start from each one of us.

  • Set an example for others to follow: Through our deeds and relationships with others, we need to set an example of kindness and compassion. When others witness the benefits of kindness, they might feel more motivated to put it into practice themselves.


In what ways can education and awareness help promote a culture of compassion?

  • Education can help people become more empathetic and compassionate toward those who are different from themselves by raising understanding of the various viewpoints, experiences, and challenges that others may encounter.

  • Through imparting knowledge on the value of kindness, empathy, and comprehension at educational institutions, people can learn how to treat others with dignity and compassion.


How can communities support and encourage acts of kindness among their members?

  • Communities can establish kindness-promoting programs and initiatives: Communities might organize events with a kindness theme or host a community kindness program. Communities can facilitate residents' involvement and impact by offering an organized framework for kindness promotion.

  • Volunteer activities and service projects can be organized by communities to allow residents to give back and help others. By making it easier for people to participate in acts of kindness, communities may build a sense of solidarity and togetherness among members.

This week, I reached out to my friends who I know will be going through one problem or the other, spending time with them on the phone and encouraging them that all will be well.

I know things are very hard in my country now, the economy isn't smiling at all, all I can do for now is to encourage people out there and with the tokens I have we can be okay together, telling my friends I love them was a big relief for me which I know they will also love it.

Yesterday I showed kindness to one of my neighbors, she is a Muslim and we know this is the period of Ramadan, I helped her to fetch water and also bought fruits for her to break her fasting.

This is my response to this dreemport contest, if you wish to join then link Thank you @gregscloud for this lovely



I am trying to catch up with responding to everybody's posts, but I am very behind. I want to read everything thoroughly and not just give a generic response, so I will do this tomorrow after my surgery since it's late here now. I wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about your post. I will be copying this brief message to the other blog posts I still need to read properly. I hope you understand.


We can only hope and pray for divine guidance because seeing the trouble most people gets into all because they tried to show kindness to others is enough to make them stop altogether.

But will it make the world a better place if everyone stopped helping one another? The answer is No.

We can only pray our acts of kindness doesn't put us in trouble.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.



when a person has compassion in their heart, they do have the resources to help and be kind. I learned a long time ago we help through time, treasure and talent. Some people have more and some have less but we can all give to the level we have. Small kindnesses to us, can be huge to the recipient.


Lack of resources: This reality is more challenging in certain locations or groups than in others, but it is often the individuals with an abundance who are the least kind when they have resources. They choose not to help for various reasons. It is also frequently the case that those with the least are the most generous, perhaps because they understand the hardships of not having enough.

Fear: It is a fallen world we are in when people will go out of their way to stage situations with the sole intent of causing harm to someone who then tries to help them. It is truly saddening and sickening. I wish the world was a kinder place. I think this is where collaborations and community are an important thing, being able to share stories and ideas, offer cautionary tales, and the like. It is, I think, harder for some people to be as kind as they would like to be for fear of malicious intent.

Societal norms: This is a really tough one. Stepping outside of the expected norms or beliefs can be dangerous for some people, even a matter of life and death. I would hope that nobody comes to any harm from trying to show a little kindness, but you raise a really valid point.

It has been enlightening these past three weeks of our collaboration, and I have learned a great deal from everybody sharing on the topic and sharing diary entries. It has been truly moving and humbling on my part. Respecting that we are different in some ways and have different beliefs and customs is not all bad; it is important to recognize that we are also the same in many ways and that we have more in common with one another than we do against. Peace, tolerance, and understanding are paramount.

It is okay to believe different things, and the more we educate ourselves about different customs, beliefs, religions, traditions, etc., the better. It is absolutely okay to agree to disagree! We are still all in this together and really need one another. Thank you for a heartfelt post and for sharing your kindness diary.

My apologies again for the late reply. I hope you are having a good weekend.


This is so lovely, how was your surgery


It went well thank you my friend. I had to have an emergency dental extraction and had general anesthetic, so I pas out of commission most of yesterday. I hope you’re having a good weekend.
